Hawkeye - Arrows Away!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

kingjameswood · 26

My Hawkeye deck for the RORS playthrough available on my YouTube channel


The Hawk is a bit of a squishy character. 9 HP with only 1 Defence doesn't bode well for some of those big hitting villains.

Endurance will keep him alive a little longer, aswell as cheap allies like Spider-Girl and Sunfire, but even Hulk is purely there to soak up some damage so that we can let arrows fly!

You'll want Hawkeye's Bow turn 1. Either in your opening hand or your using a resource to find it. That gives him 3 attack per turn on his basic. Mix that in with a Skilled Strike that is base 5 attack. Haven't got an arrow to use this turn, awesome exhaust Hawkeye's Bow for either Fusillade or Mean Swing alongside Combat Training and your hitting for 6-10 damage per turn just in basic attacks! Brutal!