War Machine - SHIELD The Arms Dealer

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

NelsonAllOver · 5045

This was a bit of a thought experiment on SHIELD + War Machine, since Munitions Bunker is a SHIELD support you can ready it with Agent 13, if you spam her with Command Team you can load up munitions bunker with 10 ammo counters in one turn.

This deck is meant to get you your Shoulder Cannon as soon as possible then with that combo you can flip up and hit for minimum 17 damage with the cannon and a basic attack. Strength In Numbers allows you to draw those cards you need quicker.

Let me know if you try this or have suggestions!


Dec 14, 2022 Frenky_fisher · 9

Meditation x2, Mockingbird, Professor X maybe since war machine likes to flip every turn and his basic action is not needed as much and i would cut Wonder Man, Ant-Man and a copy of Command Team...i think this would alow for a better midrange gameplan and sustainable economy

Dec 14, 2022 neothechosen · 10667

Interesting take on War Machine! I'll give it a try!

Dec 14, 2022 NelsonAllOver · 5045

@Frenky_fisher I like it!

Dec 14, 2022 NelsonAllOver · 5045

@neothechosen awesome! Hope it works out well!

Dec 14, 2022 Theberg123 · 1527

Super nice list. Seems tight enough that I don't think there's much you can mess with without having to change multiple cards. Maybe Kaluu instead of Wonder Man? Let's you potentially grab SiN sooner to extend plays or find a War Machine event to smooth out your Ammo usage early on. Super cool!

Dec 14, 2022 NelsonAllOver · 5045

@Theberg123 love the idea of getting Kaluu in there!

Dec 15, 2022 Alexin · 205

If the core of the deck is to find Shoulder Cannon asap, I´d also include Two Against the World on top of Kaluu, removing maybe Team Training and/or Sky-Destroyer

Dec 15, 2022 NelsonAllOver · 5045

@Alexin not sure if you need to find it ASAP, the idea is to get Agent 13, Shoulder Cannon, and the Command Teams on the table so you can then load up the bunker for a OTK. Thinking this is probably not viable until at least the second deck pass. But I do agree with you that Sky Destroyer is a bit out of place in this deck, it started as a SHIELD deck and then there are not too too many cards to trigger it and most that do are upgrades anyways!

Dec 16, 2022 guyito_ · 1

A Christmas break deck to be played!

Dec 19, 2022 Nashman88 · 22

I agree with losing Sky-Destroyer; not so much because there aren't enough SHIELD cards (the Command Team's count) but just because I find the extra damage not as impactful. It just doesn't feel like you'd play it if you had any of the other puzzle pieces in play.

I would consider a Government Liason in it's place though, as making cards cheaper is always nice. To increase it's value slightly I'd also absolutely be putting Nick Fury in this deck; it feels like you've put allies in to add card draw to cycle the puzzle pieces quicker, and he absolutely fits for that.

And some of the other suggestions above are good too, so I'd probably suggest in total:

  • Sky-Destroyer

  • Wonder-Man

  • Ant-Man

  • Stinger

  • Government Liason

  • Kaluu

  • Nick Fury

  • Mockingbird

Dec 19, 2022 Nashman88 · 22

Sorry, I thought the -/ + would show!

Lose: Sky-Destroyer Wonder-Man Ant-Man Stinger

Add: Government Liason Kaluu Nick Fury Mockingbird