Ms. Marvel - Lockjaw

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Ms. Marvel - Lockjaw 1 0 0 2.0


I caught myself thinking about the card Lockjaw and how I never think to include it in a deck. This is an attempt to make the most use of Lockjaw's ability to repeatedly return to play.

The first problem with any deck built around a single card is making sure you get it into play early. If your opening draw/mulligan doesn't get you Lockjaw, the Champions Mobile Bunker can help get to him faster, also, you can use Call for Aid to search up Ant-Man, hopefully discarding Lockjaw in the process.

You will also want to get get Team-Building Exercise and Helicarrier into play to reduce the cost of putting Lockjaw back out after he is used up. Team Training will help you get more mileage out of Lockjaw, allowing you to use him 3 times before he is used up and sent back to the discard pile.

Effective Leadership will grant you a better first turn with Lockjaw, Teamwork can extend his time on the table, and Last Stand and Save the Day can get a better last turn from him.

Red Dagger and Spider-Man (Miles Morales) gan all of the same benefits. Red Dagger in particular can take turns with Lockjaw leaving and entering play while Spider-Man will tend to have a big first turn and then make a dramatic exit via damage, Last Stand, or Save the Day.

It is important to not let Lockjaw get reshuffled back into the deck. Keep him in hand or in play when your deck runs out.

Ant-Man's other use in this deck is as a cheap ally (able to be played for one resource) and then to help Ms. Marvel via his solid Teamwork bonuses.

I do think this deck will face some real difficulties facing off against minion-heavy villains and would need some tweaking to do so effectively.


Crossbones - Standard, Solo - Weapons Master, Mystique, A Mess of Things

Mansion Attack - Standard, Solo - Wrecking Crew


Nov 03, 2022 KakitaJamie · 333

Lockjaw is a pet card of mine that I haven't seemed to find the right spot for him.

I don't think Team-Building Exercise works from the discard pile though since it requires you play the card from hand. Perhaps consider Deft Focus instead, to help with some of her hero cards and save cost elsewhere.

How have you found Clarity of Purpose with her low health?

Awesome deck and something I may cool around with in the future.

Nov 03, 2022 LACK OF SUBTLETY · 958

That's an excellent point on Team-Building Exercise that I had missed. I don't think it does work and sadly hurts the concept. Clarity of Purpose is likely getting cut as during games with this deck I never found a good time to play it. I will likely replace it with Recuperation to allow her to activate and heal in the same turn, making it easier to take advantage of Teamwork and helping, rather than exacerbating, her hit point issues.

Nov 03, 2022 LACK OF SUBTLETY · 958

To deal with Team-Building Exercise not working from the discard, I am adding a couple of Regroup cards to the deck, which I will be publishing shortly. This will give more options for sending Lockjaw back to hand to benefit from TBE and still let you use it for Miles, Red Dagger and the Mobile Bunker. If you absolutely have to trim back to 40 cards, Avengers Mansion and Champions Mobile Bunker have both proven tricky to get into play in solo play.,

Nov 03, 2022 LACK OF SUBTLETY · 958

I'm not immediately changing my mind on the Regroup cards, realizing that the 1 cost to play them negates the bonus provided by Team-Building Exercise. I'm still leaving TBE in however, since it helps with cycling Red Dagger and discounts Lockjaw's initial play, plus Miles and the Mobile Bunker.