Rocket Raccoon - Captain Trash Panda (Project Post-con) [L]

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Michaelangelo · 3981

This deck is part of Project Post-con: building a ready to use deck for each existing hero, just using the available card copies of buying each pack once. This does not only enable fast pick-and-play, but it also makes each deck feel unique, as not everyone is using the same powerhouse cards. Each deck is intended to be fun and usable in expert mode, but none will be the absolute strongest possible due to the card limitations. Looking for other decks? Search for the Post-con tag.

Project Post-con Version 1 (Cards up to a and including Valkyrie release)

In this fun, pseudo-Voltron deck, Rocket Raccoon thematically powers his guardian crew-mates with strange tech, while digging the salvage yard for cool weapons to wield himself. Rocket inherently has amazing thwarting capabilities and hits like a cannon with his weapons. This makes the deck able to tackle any obstacle. This deck is the essential guardian counter-part to Black Panther's Voltron leadership deck within Project Post-con. While Black Panther built his allies to insane power which kept on going, Rocket plays a much more fluid and adaptive deck in which some allies/upgrades come and go and cards are drawn as if he is a furry excess damage Captain Marvel. This makes him more flexible right from the start. My favourite accomplishment with this deck was when Rocket stole Ronan's power stone and refused to give it back.


With his 2x Salvage and the basic resources, Rocket has enough to play his cost curve. As the deck relies heavily on both his own weapons and some ally upgrades, Salvage feels great to use.


The allies in this deck split into 2 groups. First the Voltron-style allies, which you want to build and keep on the board:

  • Yondu is the essential guardian Voltron ally, who you want to equip with Inspired, Laser Blaster and Sidearm for consistent damage.
  • Groot is the answer to Rocket's frail nature. With his own healing and some help of Ready for Action, this card can basically stay in play forever, soaking small (and sometimes even large) hits. This makes Rocket the ideal hero for the team-up mechanic with Flora and Fauna.
  • Star-Lord finally is a strong ally to build on and thematically cannot be missed in a guardian leadership deck.

The second set of allies is meant to come and go and chump-block as much as possible:

  • Martinex is just cheap at 2-cost for 4HP and easy to use. With his high HP he can also get multiple hits of an upgrade when in a pinch for an upgradable ally.
  • Major Victory is a great chump block, who allows even more use out of Rocket's THW or Yondu's ATK, whichever is needed.


The upgrades split into 2 parts: upgrades for Rocket and upgrades for his allies. For Rocket:

  • His weapons Rocket's Pistol, Rocket Launcher and Particle Cannon do wonders for Rockets damage output. The latter two also greatly help with cards draw through his hero ability. The allies in the deck should always be used to almost kill minions, so Rocket's weapons can finish the job.
  • As Rocket has 4 restricted weapons, Side Holster is a must to keep many of them on the table when needed to refill with battery packs.
  • Battery Pack keeps the weapons running and is the prime target for tinkering and late-game salvage uses.
  • Booster Boots and Cybernetic Skeleton help counter how frail rocket is. Though he can take a little damage due to his high THW allowing brief stops in alter ego mode for recovery and tinkering.
  • Thruster Boots finally makes Rocket basically a justice-level thwarter.

For the allies:

  • Laser Blaster and Sidearm give Yondu additional attack. Laser blaster can also be used to tinker in a pinch.
  • Inspired is versatile, but also has Yondu as prime target.
  • Comms Implant does the same on THW side. It is also nice on Groot to give some thwart and additional HP.


  • Knowhere adds onto the card draw, especially as Martinex and Major Victory like to come and go.
  • Guardians of the Galaxy helps for the ally upgrades and makes them basically a resource gain when you tinker with them to get through the deck quicker.
  • Team Training helps keep all allies longer, as this deck does not include healing options.


The event of this deck work well from turn 1, but they shine even more at endgame, when the deck is thinned out and all allies and weapons are out:

  • I've Got a Plan makes Rocket's high thwarting even more superior.
  • Teamwork even adds onto that thwart, without consequential ally damage. Alternatively, it can be used to use your allies attack to ensure excess damage by Rocket himself for the card draw.
  • Ready for Action gives some extra ally protection for Rocket or is a consequential damage-free ally thwart or attack once you're allies are built.
  • Reload is great to finish enemies in a pinch, but likely goes to resources in favour of his other events and upgrades.
  • Schadenfreude is especially good once all his weapons are out. Though by then, health is typically no longer an issue.

In conclusion, Rocket has an amazingly fun take on leadership by equipping himself and his team with upgrades. Even Ronan did not see this one coming.


Dec 27, 2021 mamutito · 1

Hey i like this project idea. Can i ask, how u Will updated decks when new expansion cards release.

Thanks and i wait for ur other heroes decks.

Dec 29, 2021 Michaelangelo · 3981

@mamutito Great to hear your interest in the project :-)

I do the building off-line with my physical cards. Whenever new cards come out I re-build where useful and will keep a list to update here. I don't expect every new deck to have major impact on all older ones, but there will definitely be some evolution. Not sure yet on how to tackle it here. Most-likely it will be V2.0 for these decks. Any suggestions are always welcome!