Valkyrie Aggression Minion Killer

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

BotherJ · 18

Some of the villain's encountered deck included many minions, i built this deck to counter this type of villain.

Valkyrie is a hero which can take the most benefit from defeat minions, Thor and Throg are the Best allies to take advantage of Valkyrie's high Anti-minion potential.

This deck included many cards of the target of Anti-minion combo. Thor x1 Throg x1 Angela x1 "Bring It!" x2 Chooser of the Slain x2 Get Over Here! x1 Looking for Trouble x2 Hall of Heroes x1 Valhalla x1 Flight of the Valkyrie x1

Total: 13 cards

I should explain why included 3 cards of Team-Building Exercise in this deck, Team-Building Exercise is used to reduce resource cost of the following cards, it's pretty cool to speed up the Building of "Support and Upgrade" and the cool life cycle of "Allies summon"

Angela x1 Thor x1 Thor x1 Throg x1 Hall of Heroes x1 Quincarrier x1 The Bifrost x1 Valhalla x1 Aragorn x1 Dragonfang x1 Jarnbjorn x1 Valkyrie's Spear x1

Total: 12 cards

The Bifrost and Boot Camp is the most important combo of this deck with 4 allies.

Conclusion Valkyrie really surprised me with how fun and consistent she actually was. Valkyrie have a great potential to the aggression and protection style. She has a lot of versatility and many options available. Before to comment how you are getting on with her.