Hulk's 1-2-3 KO

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

TheTrudster · 14

If you want to quickly beat the crap out of the villain, this deck is a major step towards that achievement. Given a little luck, you could deal more then 20dmg in a round with little setup (peaking at an astonishing 36dmg at full setup and max luck, not counting Counterattack). This deck can reasonably take care of a villain as soon as round 3. It consistently takes care of a villain in 4 rounds.

1st - DO NOT HESITATE TO MULLIGAN. Build that starting hand. Who cares if you throw all 5 cards in the dumpster. Don't forget that the game should end by round 4!

2nd - To hell with defence and schemes! It's all about the smashing.

3rd - Hulk Smash is your main focus. Play it every time.

4th - Hand Cannon is a super versatile card. I believe it should be prioritized.

5th - Change form every turn to make good use of Bruce Banner's ability. It lets you build a more efficient round.

If played correctly, You should be able to easily deal an average of 11 dmg each round for the first 4 rounds. After that, it all depends on the villain you are playing against.

Now, some of you might wonder why 3x Assess the Situation. That card is very useful to circumvent Hulk's interrupt. You can either play it to pay for another card, or use it to get an extra card in hand for next round.

Deck weakness: 7 Hulk cards and 6 other cards are not geared towards dealing lots of dmg rapidly. That is almost 33% of the deck. This means that you can sometimes draw dead hands. Especially when in Hulk form. If you do not like those odds, I would recommend swapping all 3 Assess the Situation first.

Food for thought: imagine this deck in a multiplayer game where every hero around the table has been built to do big dmg early game (I'm thinking She-Hulk, Thor, Ant-Man, etc.) How fast could we beat a villain?

Have a good one!


Jun 16, 2021 neothechosen · 10662

Not to be negative, but I have a hard time seeing how you can play 3 Counterattack in the same round, it's max 1 per player, and your deck is tagged as "solo". Would you please enlighten me?

Jun 16, 2021 turtles04 · 763

Always click on a Hulk build. 3 counter attacks is a lot, homie. It's max 1 per player. 1 ally too? Interesting build. Who have you won against? Just curious.

Jun 18, 2021 TheTrudster · 14

Hi guys, thks for the feedback!

About Counterattack, you are totally right. It is impossible to play 3 in the same turn. I missed that one, big time! And will change the description accordingly. Luckily, I never played more then one per round when I play tested the deck.

It can dispose of Rhino, Klaw and Ultron easily and consistently. I have yet to try it versus other villains or at expert lvl. Thks again!

Jun 18, 2021 TheTrudster · 14

Oh and I forgot about allies. The way I see it, there aren't many allies in Basic or Aggro cards that can dish out better dmg then Spider-Man. I find that any other eligible ally does not burst fast enough for the concept of this deck.

Jun 19, 2021 turtles04 · 763

Counter attack isn't 1 per turn, it's 1 per game :) (solo)

So you can't have more than 1 out at the same time.

I love assess the situation for hulk.

Jun 19, 2021 TheTrudster · 14

@turtles04 Counter attack isn't 1 per turn, it's 1 per game.

I believe you are mistaken about Max 1 per player. Page 11 of Rules Reference, Max (last paragraph) specifies that I can control only one such card at a given time (I acknowledged I made a mistake in my initial description of the deck about that). But it does not say I can't play it anymore for the rest of the game.

Jun 20, 2021 turtles04 · 763

Totally. I worded that poorly but that's what I meant. You can only have one counter attack in play at once. But I see you now understand that and corrected it.

I love assess the situation on Hulk. Great card imo.

Glad to see there's another Hulk player out there. Cheers, dude.