Doctor Strange: Ritualized Avengers

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

AvidGamist · 13

A typical Strange/Leadership-Avengers deck, I think, though updated to Scarlet Witch. Focus on constantly recurring Maria Hill until you can get your ally suite out to win you the game.

Honorary Avenger & Sky Cycle are exclusively for Wong so that he can fetch Strange's books for greater control over what you cast. Earth's Mightiest Heroes is here over Get Ready or similar cards as they allow you to use your allies as if they were ritual sacrifices to cast even MORE spells per turn, so you can consistently Winds of Watoomb or Crimson Bands of Cyttorak x3 times in a turn by the end game if all is going well.

Ronin is the primary attacker/ally in the deck, with the others serving situational needs. Black Knight for tougher enemies, Hawkeye for crowd control. Should the need arise, Squirrel Girl can sub for Hawkeye, Hawkeye can sub for Black Knight, and you could in theory swap Ronin for Vision or Iron Man, but I've yet to test the efficiency on these choices.

Not used to publishing deck-lists/write-ups like this. As I do more I'll see about improving the write-up to better explain the game-plan.