T´Chala, Hero of the Asgard

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

matko1986 · 2

Finnished solo:

  • Rhino - expert mode
  • Klaw - expert mode
  • Ultron - expert mode
  • Green Goblin (risky business) - expert mode
  • Green Goblin (mutagen formula) - expert mode

First of all, I think, solo aggression is very tough to play especialy if many side schemes are on board in same time. I wanted to build a deck around new cards like Hercules, Hall of Heroes and Jarnbjorn.

A Hercules is a very very strong and though ally, but very expensive. Black Panther has some Vibranium, so it is possible to play this mountain. If you bring this bruiser on a table, you will want to have him on your side as long as is possible and a Honorary Avenger could help. 1x First Aid is here also for him, or for hero if necessary.

A Hall of Heroes is a very rare aggression card which has a card draw. This is not best card draw, but if you use it once or twice in a game it could be crucial.

A Jarnbjorn is a nice card, an upgrade and you can find it with a Shuri if you need it.

In opening hand is good to see The Golden City or Hall of Heroes because Black Panther has big problem with card draw.

Mean Swing is very useful card for Panther because of his Panther Claws and Energy Daggers, so it is not to hard to use this for cheap and big attack. Chase Them Down is must include card, because you do not have as much thwats as you need.

Lockjaw is fine card if some resources are in your hand and you do not have what to play. This doggy is always ready as a back up in your discard and he can remove 2 threats in that turn and 2 in another. Then you can summon him again.

Black Panther is very slow hero to play, he needs some time to setup his upgrades and then (aproximately after first rotation of deck) it is very fast end to any villain. Most of my games I have lost during first few turns, because of bad opening hand and bad card draw.

Get inspired and enjoy!