Ant-Man The Team Avenger (Makes Expert Easy)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Ant-Man The Team Avenger 0 0 0 1.0

RevDRob · 7

The only deck which arguably competes with the strength of Dr. Strange! The secret is Team-Building Exercise, a 2 cost permanent resource which works with 21 of your 40 cards!

Main strengths of the deck:

With Team-Building Exercise you can build and advance your board on the same turn, with many cheap allies to attack, thwart, and block.

Every ally is an Avenger, increasing your ally limit to 5 with Stinger and Avengers Tower.

Cards with physical and energy resources preferred to give reliable use of Wrist Gauntlets.

Why Ant-Man?

Ant-Man has more signature cards with a type matching his than any other hero, making him uniquely situated to take the most advantage with Team-Building Exercise.

How does it play?

Your top two priorities are to get Ant-Man's Helmet and Team-Building Exercise in play. The helmet lets you end turns in giant form and draw when switching to tiny next round in addition to healing going giant, while Team-Building Exercise discounts all of your other ramp, allies, and attack events and upgrades. Note you have to be in their respective forms get the discount on Army of Ants and Giant Strength. After a few upgrades and Quincarrier in play, you should be able to easily use Wrist Gauntlets every single round, stunning or confusing the villain. With your large number of discounted allies and Make the Call for added consistency, you will never have dead hands.

I want to keep this description short, but happy to answer any questions in the comments!