I'm coming round to the view that this card spoils Ant-Man for me. Once you have this and Quincarrier down, then you can stun the bad guy every turn, provided that you are in Giant form for at least part of the turn (which you will be anyway, because of all the benefits of switching form every turn). Not only is the card powerful and cheap, but there's no tension between the best strategy for using it, and the other key cards like Army of Ants and Ant-Man's Helmet.
Gegenstand. Tech.
Cost: 1.
Held Aktion: Falls du in der Riesig-Heldengestalt bist, erschöpfe Ant-Mans Handschuhe und gib -Ressourcen aus → betäube einen Gegner.
Held Aktion: Falls du in der Winzig-Heldengestalt bist, erschöpfe Ant-Mans Handschuhe und gib -Ressourcen aus → verwirre einen Gegner.
Miguel Sepulveda
Ant-Man #10. Ant-Man #15.

it's indeed really strong. I'm surprised we haven't seen more decks just trying to abuse it!
· 11123
Equally fun is to confuse every turn while flipping between Tiny hero and Scott Lang.
· 8