Ant-Man's army of minnows

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

adsarf · 440

This is a deck I've been playing for a while, mostly solo expert and every now and again two-handed with my eleven year old.

The combination of Quincarrier and Wrist Gauntlets allows you to stun the villain every turn. Ant-Man's Helmet heals damage and mitigates your hand size when giant, so once those three cards are down the game is essentially over. From that point on, the allies are used mainly for Strength In Numbers.

Earlier in the game, there's more focus on blocking and thwarting with allies, which is why most of them are fairly cheap and I make room for Mockingbird and Maria Hill. They are great, cheap allies, and when my allies are blocking and thwarting a lot, the extra ally limit from Avengers Tower doesn't come in to play in any case.

I like the way Ant-Man makes you think carefully about each turn so that you change size at the right time and use your Team-Building Exercise at the right time and sequence all your cards correctly, except that he doesn't really make you do that. This deck is so much more powerful than any other deck in my collection that I don't feel challenged, and even stringing a series of sub-optimal turns together isn't going to lose me the game. So a bit in two minds about this hero.