Spider-Woman: Project TAHITI

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

SoloMarvelChampion · 2299

Spider-Woman: Project TAHITI

I tagged this deck as "Beginner" because it only uses the Core and four other products:

  • The Rise of Red Skull
  • Next Evolution
    • These are two great campaign boxes for any collection! They add some staples to the card pool and come with some great heroes.
  • Hulk: for Inspiring Presence. I love this for any ally, but for Captain Marvel in particular in this deck. I also ran Beat Cop for a while, but decided to lower my curve by eliminating it!
  • Black Widow: This provides me with one of my favorite combos as well the namesake for this deck (from the Agents of SHIELD series):
    • Agent Coulson finds Rapid Response
    • When Coulson is defeated, Rapid Response puts him back into play, at which point he finds the Rapid Response that just put him back into play and puts it in your hand!
    • This allows you to block the Villain with Coulson every round as long as you can play Rapid Response each round, which is easy once you have both Finesse in play (or 1 and Quincarrier)

I thought about adding Age of Apocalypse as well to get Sidekick and Side-by-Side for Captain Marvel, but didn't want to add another campaign box. I needed The Rise of Red Skull for Spider-Woman and wanted Next Evolution for the Player Side Schemes.

I also wanted to add the Psylocke Hero Pack for Lay the Trap, but it was the only card I wanted from the pack, so I decided against it.

Deck Testing

Expert Crossbones: 6-0
This deck is winning consistently, but not overwhelmingly (if that makes sense). It can struggle mid-game, especially when you don't get a good start, but still finds a way to pull out the win.

You can see this deck take on Expert Crossbones right here!

Project TAHITI

Warning: _This section contains spoilers for the The Avengers movie and the Agents of SHIELD TV series, so if you haven't seen them (?!) and don't want to be spoiled skip to the bottom.

In The Avengers, Phil Coulson was killed by Loki! Prior to that Coulson was head of Project TAHITI, which was a way to bring a dead Avenger back to life using alien DNA. He advised Fury to end the program because of some terrible side effects, but when Coulson died, Fury used TAHITI to bring him back to life, despite being dead for seven days!

That's what this deck is about, bringing Coulson (or any ally) "back to life". Coulson specifically though because he provides his own reanimation loop, which I outlined above and will repeat here:

  • Agent Coulson enters and finds Rapid Response
  • When he's defeated Rapid Response puts him back into play...
  • ...and when he enters, he finds Rapid Response

The deck also uses Make the Call - which I'll stretch to say is "bringing an ally back to life" from the discard pile - and Call for Backup can also find an ally in the discard pile.

Also, the main reason I went with a limited card pool for this deck is because SHIELD is much more limited in Agents of SHIELD than it had been previously, so it made thematic sense to limit what I had available for deckbuilding!

Expanding the card pool

I already mentioned two products above:

But of course there are others to consider as well:

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Feb 21, 2025 EarthTwister · 51

This looks like a really fun deck! I'm always looking for new ways to play old heroes.... mostly because I've spent a lot more time in the newer heroes (Wave 8) ... I need to go back an revisit some of these older heroes and Spiderwoman is a great place to start!

Feb 21, 2025 SoloMarvelChampion · 2299

Thanks @EarthTwister! I've pretty much always played her this way, but there are six combinations of two aspects, so you can get creative! I keep meaning to do a Protection / Justice build because I'm a Green Bay Packers fan (Green and Yellow lol) but I never get around to it LOL.