Rogue Magic

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

TreeTopTKM · 2

Whats a strong trait, mystic? lets see if this works...

We hunt haaard for Blade, Brother Voodoo or Clea!

SO Mystic Rogue Deck, that works quite nice! (I hope, never tested)

  • We focus on the mystic trait and so have gone with protection, this can lets us use Shield Spell to just ignore attacks, and we can use it so many times with Superpower Adaptation! Helps with the fact rouge really doesn't like to flip down, and is an amazing low cost defense!

  • Spiritual Meditation is another great card for cycling, but on the requirement we have these allies.

  • If we're using shield spell, may aswell have Jocasta! If we haven't yet got one of our Mystic allies out yet, Bulletproof Belle is also excellent for only one cost!

  • Even better about Mystic, extra card draw with Sorcerer Supreme! This alongside Unflappable, X-Gene & Deft Focus, should let us play the expensive cards in Rouge's deck.

  • We do need to do some actual damage in this deck aswell. Earth's Mightiest Heroes is amazing, Rogue hates high costs cards, and can potential have +4 atc or thw wow! We throw Blade in here just for more consistancy with this as a sitting target who can recur it.

  • Goin' Rogue with allies is quite good at thrwarting, so Specialized Training should be not too hard to unlock.

  • Preservation just helps us stay in hero form for longer

  • Originally I had max Digging Deep and White Fox, but took some of these out as we want to avoid having a dead hand when setting up Mystic

(Let me know if this actually works, as I haven't found the time to actually test this yet. There is a slight split between Avenger and Mystic trait that might be difficult to prioritise if Brother Voodoo is not out yet, alongside problems of then also utilsing Bulletproof Belle)