You're Steel The One I Want

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Castlefrank47 · 1952

This deck was derived from Journeyman2's fantastic

I have been playing it off and on for a couple months and have really been enjoying it.

The idea is to manage our toughs, allowing the villain to knock them away for us to profit with card draw and utilize other cards to recoup the toughs.


The big difference is that we have Rogue in here and will be focusing on utilizing her and keeping her alive. Rogue has a fun interaction with Colossus once he has Iron Will set up where she can knock his tough off and you can draw a card off it. She still gains his stats which would bring her up to 3 thwart/ 4 attack for the remainder of the turn.

With Organic Steel out, we would get that tough right back really resulting in no loss.

Or if we had 2 toughs entering out turn, Rogue could knock one off to draw from iron will and then we could use Bulletproof Protector to get a 2nd tough and draw another card.

We also have Taunt which lets the villain attack us to draw 3 cards, which becomes 4 with Iron Will out. This is great to use when we have 2 toughs still and Organic Steel out to recoup the tough or a Bulletproof Protector in hand to generate even more card draw as well as another tough.

To keep our toughs online we have numerous options:

Anticipated Attack which we can use once we have a PSS in the victory display and gives us a tough when the villain activates to attack. This may seem like an odd choice since Colo doesn't thwart well but our allies do a lot of heavy lifting in that department. Every ally (except Polaris) can clear Establish Perimeter on their own with one thwart and Rogue can ping Colo to clear Superpower Training in thwart.

Establish Perimeter gives your identity a tough when its cleared and only has a threat threshold of 2.

Polaris can give an X-Men character a tough which we would want to give to Colo.

On the flip back from AE we also get a tough so with an Armor up in hand, we could flip back to hero when the villain activates avoiding them scheming and if we have an anticipated attack we could generate a 2nd tough so that we have one for our turn.

The main components for set up are having Iron Will out, a PSS cleared so we can utilize Anticipated Attack and Rogue preferably with Protective Training. This will allow us to use Game Time on her for extra readies as well as giving her extra HP. Titanium Muscles is also really helpful as it bumps Colo up to 3 attack plus generates a resource for each tough he has on him.

Med Team can also heal our allies allowing us to keep them on the board longer as well.

Deft Focus helps us pay for all of our Superpower events which Colo has quite a bit of as well as Limitless Stamina and Unshakable. Unshakable is not the most important card but it was really nice to avoid stuns since it gives him steady which requires 2 of a status for the character to be confused/stunned.


Brother Voodoo provides solid thwart and his when enter play ability lets him search the top 5 cards of the deck for an event which is what half of the deck are.

Hope Summers grabs a superpower card from your deck when she enters play. This is especially great to play after you have flipped to AE and shuffled a Colo card back in as you know you will have a target.

Jocasta provides solid 2 thwart and can grab Anticipated Attack from discard.

Shadowcat brings solid thwart and is a good target for protective training also to keep that thwart onboard longer. She also makes a good target for Rogue's ability when threat has piled up.

Example Turns:

Used Rogue ally to knock a tough off drawing from iron will, she still gets Colossus stats. Then used taunt drew 4 cards, drew into BP collector to get a 2nd tough and draw as well as another taunt and game time. Game Time Rogue to attack a 2nd time. Taunt again draw 4 cards drew into another game time. Attacked for 4 with Rogue, Used steel fist to finish off the villain. Still had 8 or so cards in hand.

For turns where threat is piled up, we can have Shadowcat thwart for 2 and then use Rogue to ping her bumping Rogue up to 4/4. She would then be able to clear quite a bit of threat with any game times we may have.

This has been a really fun deck and gave a little twist to one of my favorite decks i have played.

I would love to hear any feedback or experiences with the deck!