Card draw simulator
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None. Self-made deck here. |
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boomguy · 2424
In his novel, “Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?”, Phillip K. Dick explores a future where androids are so humanlike they require administration of an empathy test to determine if they are in fact human or android.
In this deck, our ally Rogue will go from Android to human—and back again—so many times, she will require a Voigt-Kampff test to know for sure if she is an Android.
But Boomguy…not another Vision deck?
Yeah, another one. But this hasn’t been done before, so bear with me and enjoy a fun Johnny-style deck ( that uses a card that everyone forgot about to make this deck what it is. Thanks to Andyr and Caldias for help testing, and to VillainTheory for the discussion that was the genesis of this idea!
The idea here is that we use Rogue to take the ATK stat from Protector, and then spend a mental resource from hand to avoid taking the damage from Rogue’s ability. That should keep the combo going.
Using 616 Hickory Branch Lane we can find Protector early, and put her into play. Once she is in play she will remain there for the entire game. Quincarrier and Solar Gem ensure we always have the right resource to spend for Protector’s ability.
Once Rogue is in play, attach Protective Training to her to prolong her lifespan. Then we have Reboot and Game Time to heal one HP and ready her. Earth's Mightiest Heroes can also ready Rogue.
In a pinch, Rogue could touch Rockslide (note this turns off Reboot and EMH for Rogue), Vivian, or even Vision to gain stats (note that it’s printed stats, so Vision can only ever provide +2 THW). Jocasta is here to grab Mass Increase in case you need to defend, or just to thin out your deck and get what you need faster. Hope Summers grabs your awesome signature events.
On your first deck pass, try to get set up. By the time you hit your second deck pass the combo should be in play and ready to roll!
Mulligan priorities: 616 Hickory Branch Lane, Rogue, and a resource generator--either of Quincarrier or Solar Gem will do.
Substitutions: Jocasta and Rockslide could be removed in favor of generically good allies like Professor X, Nick Fury, or Ironheart.
If you enjoyed the deck, please drop a like or a comment and let me know! I always love hearing from people who play the deck, to see what their experiences are like.
Check out more weird Android stuff at Winning Hand.
Jan 31, 2025 |
Jan 31, 2025Brilliant combo. Reboot for Rogue is such an inspired idea! |
Jan 31, 2025
Jan 31, 2025
(Reminded me of your podcast with VT you just dropped when you were comparing cards between different hero kits that pretty much do the same thing - like Crew Quarters/Ororo's Garden or Phoenix Suit/Vision's Cape). |
Jan 31, 2025Loving the use of Protector...I swear, the Rogue ally has opened so many doors since she came on the scene....! Fun deck! |
Jan 31, 2025
Jan 31, 2025Love it! Androids rise up! I've actually been messing around with the Rogue hero and reboot again lately. This looks very solid, Protector is perfect here! |
Jan 31, 2025
Jan 31, 2025Rogue ally is 'so hot right now.gif'. Love any PKD reference. This looks like a fun take on Vision and Rogue. |
Feb 01, 2025I made the mistake of opening MarvelCDB late night. Usually this leads to me being up till 3 am deckbuilding. Tonight however, Im up reading through all your different vision decks. This hero has so many fun ways to play. |
Feb 01, 2025
Feb 01, 2025This is pretty epic! Well done, sir! I mean, anyone could run Protection Androids because all these readies are basic, but with Vision you have a built-in way to get your android targets back for really good consistency. Totally awesome! |
Feb 02, 2025PKD! Nice. This looks fun! |
Feb 03, 2025What do you think of removing A few allies for 3 copies of Energy Barrier? You could stay in intangible form the whole game taking minimal damage while Vivian and Rogue do all of the work and you just thwart the whole time. |
Feb 03, 2025See a new Vision deck posted, know that it's probably Boom Guy. |
Feb 05, 2025Great job on this. Long live Vision. |
Feb 07, 2025Good ideas here ! But why did you forget "energy barrier", with rogue you just have to play this card! |
Glad to finally see it! I did something similar with black panther, protector and Rogue. Looks great!