Card draw simulator
Derived from |
None. Self-made deck here. |
Inspiration for |
None yet |
andyr · 10207
Player Type: Spike
Main Player Count: 2, 3
Can do: 1, 4
Key Cards: Drop Kick, Press the Advantage
Drop from the Heavens
Nightcrawler enjoys dishing out some righteous retribution, but sometimes it can be insufficient only having one instance of big damage. Nightcrawler also enjoys a good status to enable bigger set-ups for later rounds. So this deck will give you three ways to do big damage and statuses to help you manage how you Bamf!
Nightcrawler and Drop Kick work really well together. He has the ability to turn any card into a resource with his Rapid Teleportation ability because Bamf! is a resource. This really ups your chance to get the stun and rebate from Drop Kick. This deck uses Enhanced Physique to transform cards into resources and save them as batteries. There's always a way to turn a resource type into a . Just to summarize:
- Use Rapid Teleportation to trade any card for Bamf! to get a resource to spend
- Spend cards for Enhanced Physique so those resources are stored as
Only one instance of 8 damage can make it hard to move the needle on a villain. So Take That! becomes a great way to add big damage to your deck. And because you can attach Bamf! to the villain, you'll usually have a target for it. And if you've stunned the villain from Drop Kick, then chances are a Bamf! will stay on the villain for multiple rounds. You're also using your Bamf! to either be a physical resource, set up Take That!, or use it for his hero kit, not to defend. Use your exhaustion to defend if you need to.
Press the Advantage
With Psylocke giving confuse on demand, save her ability to confuse for when you have a Press the Advantage. Confuse the villain, then press the advantage. There may even be times where you'll combo Drop Kick, get the rebate, and use it to pay for Press the Advantage. Especially once your resource generators are set, you'll have plenty of resources to pay for whatever you draw from that combo.
Just remember, you don't have to place a Bamf! on the villain turn one. You can use it as a physical resource and recur that resource transformation.
Any Player Count:
- 1x Gambit -> Spider-Girl (if you do this substitution, you may also look at removing both The Power in All of Us for the third Take That!)
1 Player:
- 1x Drop Kick, 1x Press the Advantage -> 2x Into the Fray
4 Player:
- 3x Press the Advantage -> 2x Martial Prowess, 1x Take That!
Jan 17, 2025 |
Jan 17, 2025This looks really great, love seeing take that used to offset his lack of big damage in his kit. Really love the call out of using bamfs for drop kick with his ability to recur them anyway. Great work! |
Jan 17, 2025I like the use of Enhanced Physique to get consistent Drop Kick's! Nightcrawler aggression is super fun. Great deck! |
Jan 18, 2025I love this. Honestly this is such a clever way to use BAMF. And Press the Advantage is a card I want to use! |
Jan 18, 2025This deck is insane. Take That is so good here. |
Jan 18, 2025I Love this deck! Nightcrawler ist one of my favourite Heroes, and this deck gives him a lot more punch, while in Player's phase. The multi-purpose aproach to BAMF! is quiet smart! |
Jan 18, 2025
Jan 18, 2025Fun deck!! Take that was a great call!! Thanks for posting, Andyr! |
Jan 20, 2025I played this deck and had a great time! Awesome deck, and awesome idea to use Bamf! in a new way. |
Jan 20, 2025Love this! Tail/X-Jet/Bamf and your kicking for profit |
Jan 20, 2025
Jan 22, 2025Love the use of enhanced physique. Enhanced cards are too often overlooked. |
Jan 30, 2025Great call with the off-label use of Bamf for its resource |
Feb 01, 2025Missed opportunity to call this deck Drop Kick Smurfy |
This is epic! I love it! I NEED more Nightcrawler in my games. Enhanced on Nightcrawler is so good to keep Bamf! going and keep hitting with the teleporting Drop kicks. Well done!