X-men of the galaxy

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

bibenner15 · 47

hello everyone,

I have been thinking about potential different ways to play star lord, if course a blaze of glory leadership deck is very, VERY good, we all know that. but what other potential is there? actually, that's a very simple question to answer.

Gunboat Diplomacy, a fun card for sure and very playable in x-men or x-force heroes, but with the introduction of the Children of the Atom card it suddenly becomes a lot more playable in non x- characters as well. one hero that immediately stands out would be Star-Lord. his ability to treat all allies as guardians and buffing all guardian allies' thwart value by 1 with Leader of the Guardians increases the power of the Gunboat Diplomacy card. This is especially interesting for the Deathlok ally once Children of the Atom is out, as you can attach Mission Training to him making him a 4 thwart ally once Leader of the Guardians is out. that combined with a lucky hit on the Gambit ally can potentially make Gunboat Diplomacy a card which attacks and thwarts for 8 or 9 value.

another huge plus for star lord is the fact that he can play a card for a 3 cost reduction every turn, making more expensive allies very easily playable.

another interesting card for star lord is the IPAC card, of course we cannot play this from our hand, that's where Build Support comes in. giving us increased card draw and another face down encounter card to increase the power of our identity specific events.

due to the high thwart that is easily achieved, we can also easily make us of Superpower Training, allowing us to quickly pull out the Leader of the Guardians card, or in the case that we haven't found it yet, a Children of the Atom card.

All in all, this deck does it all, thwart and attack with both your own cards and allies, make very effective use of Gunboat Diplomacy and keeping everything you put into play under control with your ungodly amount of card draw and self buffing.

A potential swap for this deck would be replacing one or both One Way or Another cards for Vigilante Training cards to get Gunboat Diplomacy cards back into your deck. i mostly play it with 1 of both.

have fun with this deck, because i sure do.


Jan 14, 2025 ZaneBrick · 79

This looks awesome.