The House Always Wins

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

HeroicSkeleton · 384


Playstyle: Tutor, Recursion, Voltron

Strengths: Fast Set Up, Chump Blocking

Weaknesses: Thwarting

Recommended player count: 2-4

I just keep coming back to this Black Panther suit up deck. Its just so fast and consistent in how it builds up. You get all of your Black Suit and Red Suit upgrades out right away, and at that point, the game is rigged because now the deck is full of Wakanda Forever! so the House always wins!

Bet on Black

Our main suit up ally is Shuri. Suit up gives us an upgrade that can be attached to her, and then when you play her you can grab a second upgrade. Early game priority should be for the Black Panther upgrades first, but your choices really just depend on what you can afford. If you are out of resources when you play Shuri, you can just grab the free Side Holster. The only purpose of this card is to thin out the deck and block Caught Off Guard. You can also use some of the ally upgrades as resources when needed, you can just grab them from the discard later with suit up anyway.

Bet on Red

Clarity of Purpose and one Honorary Avenger are for Black Panther, the others go onto Iron Man. Once Iron Man is kitted out, all bets are off.

The House Always wins

There's three 2 cost allies in this deck with really powerful "enters play" abilities. This means we will be chump blocking with them, and replaying them with either Make the Call or Regroup. Maria Hill and Shuri get a lot of play early, while you should focus on Kaluu late game to help spam Wakanda Forever!

Inspiring Presence could be swapped for First Aid, but in all my games, I always got the final hit in with Iron Man right when we win or very close to the end, so this version felt better. Endurance is also a consideration, but again I never felt I needed it. Enjoy!


Aug 11, 2024 Rigjiggles · 1

Huge fan of this deck. I love bp and play only solo.

Aug 13, 2024 HeroicSkeleton · 384

@Rigjiggles That's fantastic! I only tested it in multiplayer and I didn't know if it would have enough thwarting to keep up in solo.