Jubilee Never Passes Up a Good Deal

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

rolipoli · 126

This is primarily a multiplayer deck, but I have some quick edits at the end if you want to focus it more toward a solo play style. I have so far defeated expert Kang in two-player and Klaw in solo with this deck. Enjoy!

Searching For the Best Deals


This deck focuses on Jubilee's Coat and Jubilee's Sunglasses to get the most out of expensive events that many other heroes avoid. With three copies of Plasmoid Energy and a wild resource generator on her identity Jubilee can afford 3 and 4 cost cards every turn, taking advantage of the additional damage and thwart from these upgrades.

In designing this deck I focused on the new cards Jubilee came with such as Three Steps Ahead, Waylay and Multitalented, as well as Hit and Run. With her sunglasses and coat the output per cost of these cards is insane! Three Steps Ahead can reliably reach 3 cost for 9 thwart, Waylay 3 cost for 10 damage, Multitalented 3 cost for 5 thwart, 5 attack, 2 healing, and Hit and Run 3 cost for 5 thwart and 5 attack. This is better efficiency than Swinging Web Kick, which is one of the most efficient attack events in the game. What a deal!

Mo' Money Mo' Problems

As a very high economy hero with the added requirement of using a variety of resources for most of her cards the double resources Energy, Genius, and Strength, are some of the worst cards to use in her deck. Instead, using The Power of whatever aspect you choose (in this case The Power of Justice) as well as The Power in All of Us allows you to designate the double wild resources as two different resources to increase the output of your other cards. Similarly adding Heilicarrier harms her combos when she spends one less resource, so you're much better off with card draw from Avengers Mansion and the wild resource from the The X-Jet to increase her economy.

"You should know I get torqued when people ignore me!"


Jubilee may hate being ignored, but with a very humble 9 health, 2 defense, and 3 recovery it might be ok for the villain to ignore her occasionally. To her benefit her cards Blinding Flash, Firecracker, and Flash of Light all stun and/or confuse, giving her the much needed space to avoid damage and flip to alter ego to recover, but she still needs some more support in that department. I added Colossus, Triage, and Professor X to block, heal, and confuse as well as increasing the number of allies in her deck to 7. I also added Endurance as the only upgrade to increase her hit points for a little more survivability.

Strategy Summary

  1. If you're playing multiplayer don't be first player. Search Shopping Spree with Jubilee's Mall Rat ability on the first player's turn, and complete it on your turn. If you're playing solo don't flip up until you complete it if possible. If the threat is already high, play Jubilee's Coat, otherwise play Jubilee's Sunglasses.
  2. Play Jubilee's Coat and Jubilee's Sunglasses as quickly as possible.
  3. Pay attention to your health and play allies whenever you can. Play Endurance as soon as you see it.
  4. Play one 3-cost event every turn that you can.
  5. You should be able to control the scheme and destroy the villain quickly with your powerful events.

Card Replacements for Solo

  1. Feel free to replace any allies keeping in mind that Jubilee is squishy and Venom pairs well with Waylay.
  2. In solo this deck may over thwart a bit. I would suggest replacing Three Steps Ahead with any of the following combinations:
  3. Otherwise you can replace Hit and Run and one copy of Three Steps Ahead with three player side schemes (likely the three Justice player side schemes that are currently available).

Daring Lime Analysis


Jul 22, 2024 Daring Lime · 1703

great deck and writeup!

Jul 22, 2024 Kevinhag · 1

Thanks for the deck it gave me a lot of ideas to try (like Hit and Run. If I may ask, why is X-Gene not included?

Jul 22, 2024 rolipoli · 126

@Daring Lime Thank you!

Jul 22, 2024 rolipoli · 126

@Kevinhag You're welcome! I'm glad it can be useful! I think that X-Gene is shockingly limited for most heroes, so I just don't play it as a rule. I do think Jubilee can use it really well compared to most heroes, so if it's a card you like playing you should definitely add a copy to your deck.

Jul 23, 2024 dr00 · 44316

more multiplayer decks, please