Player Side Scheme
Cost: 0.
Threat: 3.

Sieg 0.

Jeder X-Men-Charakter bekommt +1 WID, solange er mit seiner Basiskraft Widerstand gegen diesen Plan leistet.

Sobald besiegt: Jeder Spieler darf sein Deck und seinen Ablagestapel nach einem identitätsspezifischen Ereignis durchsuchen und es auf seine Hand nehmen. (Mische.)

Jubilee #16.
Generation X

Like many other player side schemes, Generation X can boost the consistency of an archetype by giving you on-demand access to a key identity-specific event. It can also sit in play for a while and bail you out on that turn you really need a big attack or thwart and didn't draw one in hand. It's technically resource disadvantage, but typically you're drawing a card that's so valuable to your current situation that it's worth the small dip in efficiency. Two places I've enjoyed it so far are in a Nova deck, where seeing Unleash Nova Force as many turns as possible is a high priority; and in a Phoenix deck, where Telepathic Trickery and Psychic Blast are simply insane cards. It's great in Cable as well, like all PSS. Definitely a card I underrated on first reveal but have grown to love!

Stretch22 · 801