Spider-Woman Counterstrike (Aggressive Protection)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Spider-Woman Variant 0 0 0 1.0

Iamironman · 27

I love that this deck is synergistic with the Jessica Drew alter ego action. Knowledge of the top encounter card informs whether it’s a good idea to play Toe to Toe or save Preemptive Strike (or ideally combo both).

I’ve added a stun card in both aspects to try and make better value of Press the Advantage and prevent some attacks triggered by toe to toe (Drop KickTackle)

I’ve kept the cost curve to mostly 1 and 2 so that late game when Helicarrier and 2x Finesse are out you can play three cards from hand for free, or play interrupt or response protection cards during the villain phase without sacrificing hand size.

thwarting isn’t a big consideration of this deck design since I’m playing with efficient justice players in multi - but her identity cards and basic thwart can be used to get you out of a pinch.

really enjoying all that spider woman has to offer, I expect I’m going to keep tinkering with this for some time: