Kinney's Weapons Shop

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Neris · 19

The focus of this deck is to use upgrades such as Hand Cannon, Godslayer and X-23's Claws to improve basic attacks. As we will have several weapons in play (remember that X-23's Claws is considered a weapon, but it is not restricted), there can be up to 4 weapons in play with the use of the Side Holster, so events such as Mean Swing and Fusillade can be activated with At greater frequency. In addition, X-23 loves to use basic attacks, which can be increased even further with Skilled Strike, the intention is to deal big blows to the villain using combinations of basic attacks and events, maintaining momentum after building the table.

For those concerned about threats in schemes, the Animal Instinct will help you maintain a balance and can reach up to Thwart 9 during an activation.

And if you are playing solo, it is recommended to keep the Symbiote Suit in the deck, which together with the other upgrades leaves X-23 with 29 Hit Points (Symbiote Suit,Endurance,Adamantium Lacing,Front Line Specialist). Making her extremely durable, reducing the fear of defending large attacks with the hero if the match lasts longer than expected.

This deck does not rely on using Honey Badger, although it is good that she is in play, there were games where I did not mind ignoring the obligation.

EDIT:I did not include cards that add status effects to villains like Psylocke since the deck was created to face villains with stalward or steady. It is functional in multiplayer too.