Ironheart - Go For Champions!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Elkinscollin · 8

This deck controls like crazy. Once you build up to version 2 or 3, Ironheart controls the board. It takes a bit of caution to get from ver. 1 to ver. 2, but once you there, this deck is breezy. Once built up a bit, Ironheart will be speeding through her deck, so don't worry if you miss some allies on the first passthrough.

Allies: Falcon, Brawn, and possibly Snowguard are prime targets for Reinforced Suit. Get The Triskelion and 4 allies out quick to use Strength In Numbers. One Make the Call is included to grab one of these if needed. Vivian, Spider-Man, and Patriot are great to chump block with to play again for their when revealed abilities.

Genius: Ingenuity and Moon Girl. 'Nuff said.

Champion: Once four allies are out, use "Go for Champions!" to go crazy.