Thor - Thunderstruck Strategist

Card draw simulator

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Luman15 · 9

Thor's Electrifying Game Plan for playing him in Justice is here! Unlock the full potential of Thor in Marvel Champions LCG with this electrifying Justice strategy that takes a unique twist on the character's abilities. Depart from the conventional Aggression route and harness the power of Justice to create an unbeatable game plan.

Why Justice?

While Thor boasts incredible offensive capabilities and attack events, he falls short in the thwarting department. Thor's high hit points and solid defense in hero-form keep him in the game longer, preventing the villain's schemes.

  • Thors high hitpoint count works well with Foiled!
  • In specific scenarios, One Way or Another can synergize with Thor's hero action 'Have at Thee' when a side-scheme introduces a minion engaged with you.
  • Defender of the Nine Realms boffers extra card draw and effective threat removal.
  • Thor's access to aerial abilities with Mjolnir complements Agile Flight, a potent thwart event.

Early-game Strategy

Concentrate on staying in alter-ego form to establish your resource-engine. Utilize Mjolnir to pay for other cards, knowing you can retrieve it with your alter-ego action. Aim to have Asgard God of Thunder, Helicarrier and Enhanced Reflexes in play as soon as possible. Don't hesitate to employ Foiled! to keep threat levels in check.

Game strategy

Once the resource-engine is in place, Thor truly shines!

Deploy Eros,Quake or Wiccan to assist with handling minions, eliminating small increments of threat, and causing damage. Use them to block villain attacks.

Leverage One Way or Another o gain additional cards as resources for your thwart and attack events, potentially setting up a combo with Skilled Investigator once it's defeated. Choose a side-scheme that forces engagement with a minion to maximize card draw through your hero action.

Use Defender of the Nine Realms to trigger your hero action for more card draw and effective threat removal.

Defeat minions and damage the villain with your basic attack power, in combination with Mjolnir or utilize Hammer Throw.

For dealing with multiple minions simultaneously while also damaging the villain, use Lightning Strike in combination with Enhanced Reflexes and God of Thunder.