Iron Man mk5 Kang Crusher Armor

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Oggeymoggel · 7

This deck focuses on putting cards in to play and controlling the tempo of the game by defending often and effectively. Kang has a nasty tendency to get rid of your upgrades and supports, or even tuck some of them away underneath Stolen Memories: as such, I leaned in to playing more tech cards, which happened to be . In this way, cards like Energy Barrierget to pull triple duty: they let you get into hero mode faster, act as power for Repulsor Blasts, and mitigate damage for Unflappable to activate.

The Night Nurse is critical in this scenario, as there are a handful of ways for the basic Kang deck setup to stun the heroes.

In the late game, this deck has 18-22 cards in play, some in other player's play areas, and a critical mass of cards to power up multiple Repulsor Blasts.

Any input is appreciated.