Global Ballistics

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
judge, jury, and executioner 0 0 0 7.0

VillainTheory · 30247

Domino is an incredibly fun hero with wildly creative combos. Cards such as Pip the Pug, The Painted Lady and Weapon X give you tremendous control over your deck and discard pile - but they come with a dangerous cost: to use them, you have to go alter-ego.

In other words, I believe Domino is a "flipping hero". She wants to keep flipping to alter-ego in order to utilize the crazy value of these support cards. Unfortunately it's difficult to go alter-ego in solo play at the best of times! To make matters worse, Domino has no confuse cards in her signature kit while starting with a lowly 1 THW.

Enter the Justice aspect with Global Logistics! Now you can add control over the encounter deck to your already-deadly repertoire.

Throw in her pistols and you have yourself some Global Ballistics!

  • Archetype: Global Logistics
  • Difficulty: Hard
  • Play Style: Control
  • Recommended Player Count: 1

Mulligan Priorities:

Quickstart Guide:

  1. Please note this is a solo deck!

  2. Your pistols and allies provide the damage, Surveillance Team and your allies provide the threat removal, and Domino and her allies provide the defense.

  3. Change form as much as possible within reason! Don't risk a loss if the main scheme is in danger, but otherwise the sheer amount of profit from going alter-ego is too good to ignore!

  4. Consider recurring Monica Chang. You can do this by being alter-ego once she's defeated - since she's then the top card in your discard pile, you can just swap her into your hand and play her again!

  5. Use Global Logistics to not only make it safe to go alter-ego (you can set the villain's boost card to something weak), but choose an easy encounter card.

  6. You can also use Global Logistics to stack your own deck, lining up several wilds, avoiding discarding anything important, or even bringing Jackpot! to the top of your deck!

  7. Jackpot! is, for lack of a better term, overpowered. Use it as much as possible! There are dozens of possibilities and you can usually use it 2+ times in one turn.

  8. Digging Deep and White Fox are also ridiculously powerful in Domino. If you draw one of them, use your hero ability (or, for White Fox, also Pip the Pug) to put them on the top of your deck. Then use anything that discards from the top and profit.

  9. Double-check and then triple-check your plans. Domino has many moving pieces; she is surely the most complex hero in the game. Perfect play isn't necessary to win but with clever combos you can dominate the battlefield.

  10. Use cards with random output such as Domino's Pistol or Diamondback first, then use steady regular cards like Deadpool or Surveillance Team to finish things off precisely.

  11. Build Support can grab Pip the Pug or The Painted Lady if you accidentally discard them before having either in play, but it's also ideal for sneaking in the otherwise-expensive Sky-Destroyer!


Early Game:

It's important to balance playing her incredibly powerful supports and upgrades alongside managing the board state. Fortunately, most of the supports/upgrades here are cheap. For the expensive ones such as Avengers Mansion and Sky-Destroyer, try to wait until you can use Jackpot to pay for them!

You can also use Build Support to grab Sky-Destroyer, although Pip the Pug, The Painted Lady and Weapon X are all so powerful it can often be better to choose one of those instead.

Of those, I would say Pip is the single most powerful thanks to his ability to return Jackpot to the top of your deck. But if you are relatively well setup but, say, haven't found a pistol yet, Sky-Destroyer stands out as a desirable way to increase your damage. Which is a long way of saying it's situational and you should carefully consider your options!

Monica Chang is a very powerful ally in Domino's hands due to her innate recursion potential. Once Monica is defeated, she sits on top of your discard pile. You can then use your alter-ego ability to put her back into your hand and play her again, quickly amassing 2-3 Surveillance Teams with tons of counters! While powerful, there is only so much threat removal you need in solo play in combination with all your other allies - in other words, I recommend trying to do this early if possible while abandoning the strategy around the mid-game. This won't line up every game, but she's still a brilliant ally even if you only play her once.

Aside from Surveillance Team, your allies are your main source of threat removal. Right Place, Right Time is good but not a priority unless you find yourself under pressure.

In terms of damage, Domino's Pistols are great! But, with Sharpshooter, they're absurd. Sharpshooter effectively doubles their damage - which to me has translated to them covering for 70%+ of the damage you'll ever need. Throw in Sky-Destroyer if convenient (it's not a high-priority like the guns are) and you'll be able to handle any minion regardless of what you draw each turn and still have extra to hurt the villain.

In the early game, or if particularly unlucky on finding a pistol, allies also come through for us in terms of damage with Outlaw, Diamondback and Deadpool being particularly potent. However, with an ally limit of 3 and the potential for White Fox at any moment, don't hesitate to use a 1 ATK ally for damage if it helps you. Use your allies aggressively!

With such strong options for damage and thwarting, feel free to use your huge DEF stat to fend off the villain's attacks. However, with a lot of competition for ally slots, this is generally to be avoided once you're at 2-3 allies. Block with them instead and leave Domino free to ATK! Hopefully with Probability Field in play!

Note that, due to all her mechanics which discard from the top of her deck, Domino is prone to miss important cards that she would rather have played. As opposed to not using discard effects (they're too common and powerful not to!), instead try to use Pip the Pug or The Painted Lady to return those important cards to your hand.

Global Logistics:

The star of this deck is Global Logistics. Some games you might only play it once or twice, others many, many times, but it always pays off! Control over the encounter deck is strong on any hero. But, for Domino here especially, you can really put luck in your favour.

Have you set up your pistols early on? Choose a minion as your encounter card. Loads of Surveillance Teams and 2 THW allies out? Set up a side scheme. And so on! You can also use low boost icon cards and the ability to guarantee no Advances to go alter-ego with great freedom, even against steady/stalwart villains.

While I have almost always used Global Logistics on the encounter deck, there is merit to using it on your own deck and this can be fantastic if you ever draw into two copies. You can plan for how to swap your cards about, set up big damage by stacking wilds for your pistols, avoid discarding anything you'd rather draw soon and play, or discard anything which wants to be discarded such as White Fox.

One cool combo which I have enjoyed is playing Global Logistics at the end of the turn and then going alter-ego. And then, at the start of the following turn, using Domino's alter-ego ability to swap it back into your hand and play it again - Sky-Destroyer can trigger from either form! (Now, your alter-ego ability is very powerful, making it quite a steep price to choose to use it on Global Logistics, but at the same time if you have complete control over the fight then it can often be worthwhile.)

Domino's Crazy Sequencing:

With so much depth and complexity, no amount of writing will ever be able to account for all the potential combos and possibility routes that Domino can explore. Simply put, experiment with all the abilities that let you move and draw cards to try and maximize value.

But I will try to cover a few options.

One of the easiest and potentially most powerful routes to go is to recur Jackpot as much as you can.

Draw Jackpot? Spend it. Use your alter-ego ability to swap it into your hand from the discard pile. Spend it again. Use Pip the Pug to put it on top of your deck. Then use Avengers Mansion or your hero form ability to draw it again and spend it - or use Diamondback to hit the whole board for 3 damage with it, then put it under The Painted Lady to draw again.

Then do it all again on the following turn.

Avengers Mansion, Sky-Destroyer and your 3-cost allies are your best targets for it, cleanly returning it to the top of the discard pile without wasting any resources.

Another key combo is the simple ability to swap Digging Deep to the top of your deck with your hero ability. Then use cards like your pistols to discard from the top and effectively return Digging Deep to your hand.

It's even better if you don't draw Digging Deep in your hand and instead first find it through using something like your pistols. It's very easy to start a turn with 5 cards in hand, fire both your pistols with Sharpshooter and find a copy of Digging Deep, swap it back, discard from the top with another card to get it back again, and effectively end up with 7 cards in hand just for using things you wanted to use anyway.

And all this before mentioning White Fox. Quite often, to quicken tempo and setup, I'll prioritize using my card moving abilities on Jackpot, but it's hard to beat the value of getting an ally into play for almost zero cost. Pip the Pug can swap her on top of your deck on demand.

The End Game:

After a while of shooting, the villain should be on the brink of being knocked into their final stage. Here, while your pistols are good, a huge burst of damage is particularly valuable in solo play to simply outright end the game.

This is where Pip the Pug and The Painted Lady come into play.

Use them to find your damaging cards and set up a hand where you have either 2x A Good Workout or 1x A Good Workout + 1x Luck Be a Lady. With these, combined with your pistols and allies, you can easily finish off most villains. If using Luck Be a Lady here, try to ensure there is a wild on top of your deck first.

Other Notes:

Beware the acceleration tokens from Deadpool. These can make it riskier to flip to alter-ego, and we want to keep flipping as much as we can. I recommend using Deadpool to block an attack or simply keep him in rotation as a handy wild if your ally slots are full. However, if the main scheme is on the more generous side (or you still have other main scheme stages remaining), feel free to go crazy with him.

Something I've come to particularly value on Domino is card draw. She has few events and she can easily discard them, meaning it pays to expand your hand and have more options on any given turn. In other words, prioritize Avengers Mansion over Sky-Destroyer and Weapon X over even Probability Field in my opinion.

While Probability Field is very potent and flexible, this deck is not a readying build. (I found The Posse somewhat unreliable even in dedicated builds which is why it didn't make the cut here, this deck is all about reliability.) Which is all to say that while I would strongly try to play it I actually would not prioritize it over most of the other cards I've talked about her, notably those cards listed as mulligan priorities.

Going alter-ego is very valuable, but try to ensure you save an ally or some upgrades to play there. Relying on card draw to find a target to play when going alter-ego is risky unless you stack the deck in your favour - if I'm going alter-ego, have resources but nothing else playable in that form, I'll generally use Pip the Pug to put Outlaw or Diamondback on top of my deck, draw them with Weapon X, take any extra resources I need from The Painted Lady, and then play said ally. Pip the Pug is often reminiscent of Make the Call!

And don't forget Probability Field also boosts your REC! On a similar topic, the healing from Luck Be a Lady is very powerful as a flexible way to heal without exhausting your hero - allies in this deck don't generally need healing with the ironic exception of Deadpool.

Alternative Cards:

The Posse and Atlas Bear are strong cards for Domino but this deck wants to make room for SHIELD allies. Still, you could easily add them in.

Helicarrier and Agent 13 are also good options, with Build Support being able to grab Helicarrier, but I found Domino to be rich enough and prefer card draw to give her better options on how to spend said resources.

Cosmo is another fun card for Domino. Since she can easily know what's on top of her deck, Cosmo should never take damage. But personally I think this strategy is better for Leadership and best in Aggression.

Homeland Intervention is a very powerful card but this deck is absolutely dripping with threat removal - more than enough for solo games. However, consider swapping this in over Global Logistics if you do want to try this deck in multiplayer games.


Use your Surveillance Teams and allies to demolish all traces of threat while Global Logistics stacks the odds even further in your favour!

Use your pistols with Sharpshooter alongside Sky-Destroyer to unleash a steady but high stream of damage.

Use your 3 DEF (more with the amazing Probability Field) and allies to easily deal with incoming damage. (Prioritizing blocking with allies.)

Good luck! I hope you enjoy the new expansion!


Aug 20, 2023 josseroo · 739

Great minds! If only we had a way to get more ally slots in Justice or for X-Force heroes

Aug 20, 2023 VillainTheory · 30247

@josseroo If only! Maybe their Avengers Tower will come in a future pack. You can technically use Build Support to get Knowhere but I'm not quite convinced it's worth it.

Been planning Global Logistics Domino since I talked about it in my reddit deep dive for her and I'm glad it's worked out in practice. I don't know if it's strictly as powerful as One Way or Another shenanigans but it's super fun!

Aug 20, 2023 josseroo · 739

For me, the way Deadpool locks up an ally slot I might be inclined to sneak in the Knowhere

Aug 20, 2023 boomguy · 2424

Love this! I’m going to try it out.

Dec 10, 2023 MaroK84 · 1

I tred this deck yesterday and it was way too hard to play for me. Definitely need a lot of games and practice to get the hang of it. I also tried it in multiplayer and it just did not worked. Only after than I noticed that this is designed for solo play only.

Aug 15, 2024 MuzzaBzzuzza · 1

You emphasised the fact that this deck is intended for true solo, but is there any reason it's not/less viable at higher player counts? I couldn't think of anything from the description but you took the time to specify so I'm worried I'm missing something obvious. This is a contender for a 2P playthrough of Mutant Genesis with the other player fielding either Gambit Leadership or Wolverine Aggression (he hasn't made up his mind yet)

Aug 17, 2024 VillainTheory · 30247

@MuzzaBzzuzza There are two factors which might affect it. The first is that Global Logistics is at its most powerful in solo, though it is still excellent at 2-player.

The other factor is that threat scales up per person more than anything else in the game. Generally, the more people you have the more threat removal you need. This probably does have enough for most 2-player games but it might go smoother with a couple of thwarting events and/or Overwatch etc!

Sep 06, 2024 Griffin · 1

Hey VT, how come no Deft Focus?