Invincible Iron Man - Upgraded

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Iron Man presque immortel j'espere 0 0 0 1.0

Charles · 566

This deck defeats Expert Thanos and Expert Hela first try.


First, as often with Iron Man, you’il spend your first turn in AE.

You have 17 pieces with « Tech » trait, so you’ll have easily 5,6 or 7 cards in your hand turn 2.

Next, you have some accelerators for that purpose : Nick Fury, Iron Heart, Moon Girl will help you to get your tech pieces with a strong draw power.

Ingenuity is your assurance to get aerial trait every turn, it’ s a master piece in this deck.


Your high HP ( 9 + 6 + 3 ) will make you invincible in mid game ( with Energetic Barrier or Forcefield Generator ). High HP will you make save hard turns, until you’re fully equiped. And dauntless love that.

Repurpose will untap you with a strong bonus ( 2 or 3 ), and can combined with your arc reactor. And with all this tech you’ll always find a target.


You’re a full equiped monster, with no fear, and you have another great card in your pocket : You have a phenomenal rate of Energy carde in this deck, so smash and burn and destroy with Repulsor Blast and Aerial Supersonic Punch. Won’t take long for the vilain right now !

Probably my favorite deck with Iron Man, enjoy !


Jul 31, 2023 Charles · 566

Just forget a point :

  • HP = 9+6+3+1+1 with two Rocket Boots ( total of 20HP )

Jul 31, 2023 Life777Nyx17 · 47

Nice! I have a deck similar to this!

Jul 31, 2023 Charles · 566

`@Life777Nyx17 Have you made modifications or other choices ? Always curious to know what can be stronger ;-)

Aug 01, 2023 Jasco · 1

My Iron Man is almost identical, I don't run Moon Girl(not enough mental resources to take advantage of her) and I don't run the plasma pistols but I do run a combination of preemptive strike and defiance to allow the ESA to actually trigger.

Aug 01, 2023 Charles · 566

`@Jasco Actually i have to admit that i replace Two Against the World with one The Power in All of Us, and it works pretty well with Moon Girl !

But you can also keep Two Against the World and remove Moon Girl ! It’s quite a side card, depending on the scenario.

Plasma Pistol are a must to me, because it’s an Energy ressource, a tech item ( great with Repulsor Blast and always useful for tough ennemis or Ultron ! )

Defiance and Preemptive Strike could be great cards here, but honestly with Forcefield Generator i don’t care a lot about vilain boost … and 20 HP !

But yes, Electrostatic Armor is quite a dead card here and is only used for the cheap tech trait !

Thanks for your comment, i’ll give a try anyway !

Aug 02, 2023 Life777Nyx17 · 47

I don't have all the packs but I sometimes I will add something like down time for the extra REC.

Aug 02, 2023 Life777Nyx17 · 47

But I'm also a noob!