Proper Planning

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Shazbahty · 580

Take your time to weave your web to prevent poor performance. Prepare a Counterattack and buy your time until you are ready to go Toe to Toe with the villain. This would seem like a poor choice for Black Widow with her 9 health, but what is health but another resource to manage? Endurance is included to bump up that health while Down Time, First Aid, and Crew Quarters are there to help with a quick recovery.

Manage threat with her basic activation and Covert Ops. "You'll Pay for That!" and Attacrobatics to help with the turns you need to take a shot while waiting for the right time to strike. Allies that I included are thematic so feel free to adjust them to your liking. Also Recuperation is a good option to help manage your health especially when you have Down Time on the board.

This is the fourth deck in an unintended series of "off meta" aspects/heroes combos. The other day I was curious as to what each hero's least published aspect was, and come to find out I've already put out 3. So I decided to ride the wave. The goal behind each deck is 1) make the viable for solo/multiplayer on standard and 2) be fun/thematic.

If you wish to check out the other decks in the unexpected journey they are:

She-Hulk The Best Defense

War Machine S.H.I.E.L.D Assault Squad

Hulk Throws Avengers from Quinnjet

Feedback is always welcomed.