Adam Warlock V The Hood For GetUpandGame!PerfectMatchup

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Aoshi312 · 1186

Hi welcome to the forty first in a series of decks I plan to build directly influenced by the amazing Get Up and Game! Perfect Match-Up series found here: Please check out the channel and the video since I thought it was an amazing gift to the community and it inspired me to start playing Champions more regularly.

My goal with this series is to create a unique deck inspired by each challenge match-up in the video using all the suggested cards plus some of my own to create a deck that any player can use to check out the challenge. If you’re missing some cards from a deck please ask in the comments and I’ll do my best to find replacements from your collection so that you can have fun too! Hopefully I can build a deck that can beat the villain on both standard and expert. I’ll try to document any tweaks I made while playing the deck too.

For our forty first match up as we round the home stretch, we face the toughest version of the Hood with the his *Brutal Gangs- Anachronauts, Badoon Headhunter, Future Past, The Inheritors, Iron Spider’s Sinister Six, Master of Time, Osborn Tech, Reavers, Sinister Assault!

A couple of caveats here:

The first is that as with my other Hood playthroughs, the Hood in solo is so incredibly random that I don't feel two Expert wins proves a deck anymore than one does. Either a deck can potentially win on Expert or it can't. On this front, my deck beat Standard on the first try and then only lost Expert twice before I earned my Expert win.

The second is that this is the first time where I built a deck NOT based on Joshua's suggested cards recommendation. This is because Joshua suggests a version of the very popular deck on this site in which you use all the wild resource cards to play what you need to play at any given time. I can highly recommend this deck so I didnt feel like me building the exact same deck would mean much. Instead I took Joshua's second recommendation which was to build your own Adam Warlock deck.

At the end of the day most Adam Warlock decks will look fairly similar, focusing on using Adam's Mystic Senses and his battle mage ability to get whatever effects you want.

To that end this deck is mainly focused on two things: Card draw and Damage. Most of the allies are there to find Adam's events which are all extremely powerful. Hulk and Wolverine are there to punch the Hood as hard and as fast as possible. I would say focus on the villain as much as possible. I rarely try to even take out a minion unless they have Guard. Adam can tank a couple hits and if you go through your deck fast enough you can also Soul World.

Clarity of Purpose, Karmic Staff, The Sorcerer Supremeand Deft Focus will help you pay for your cards. "Think Fast!" and Under Surveillance can help delay the end of the game that extra little bit. Summoning Spell and Make the Call can find your allies. The rest of the cards are fairly self explanatory.

Take care of side schemes and minions if you have no other choice. Otherwise just keep hitting the Hood with Karmic Blasts and Magic Attack until you win!