
Angriff. Zauber.

Cost: 1.

Spiele diese Karte nur, falls deine Identität das Merkmal Mystiker hat. Max. 1 pro Deck.

Held Aktion (Angriff): Wähle einen Gegner und lege bis zu 5 Karten von deinem Deck ab → füge dem Gegner für jede auf diese Weise abgelegte Karte 1 Schaden zu.

The Mad Titan's Shadow #43.
Magischer Angriff

Essentially the same as Zone of Silence but for damage instead of thwarting. Highly efficient with a small drawback of discarding cards from deck that can be turned into an advantage for decks playing Digging Deep and White Fox. It being a spell makes it replayable with Magik's alter ego ability, and discarding from the top is a neat trick when you want to find a better card to play with her hero ability. Overall solid card that I would never cut from a Mystic Aggression deck.

Stretch22 · 939