Venom's Space Camp

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Neokarasu · 165

Venom's Space Camp

Welcome to Space Camp! In Space Camp, we like to draw cards and get stronger!

This deck aims to take advantage of Knowhere increasing our available ally pool who are then buffed by Boot Camp. Venom can defend himself pretty well with a combination of Venom's Pistol, Booster Boots, and Grasping Tendrils so that allows our allies to be used to their full potential.

Furthermore, this deck has access to multiple sources of status effects from Behind Enemy Lines, Grasping Tendrils, Psylocke, Professor X, and Mockingbird. Gamora also helps find the events. With that, you should be able to flip to Alter-Ego quite often to take advantage of Project Rebirth 2.0.

First Aid is primarily used for Gamora. She gives us a steady supply of extra cards and so we want to keep her alive as long as possible. Energy Spear buffs her further so we get even more value out of keeping her alive. Between her effect, Spider-Sense, Avengers Mansion, and Knowhere, you'll be looking at 9 cards every turn even staying in Hero mode!

Threat is one of the main weakness of the deck so that's the mode that Multi-Gun will be most often used. Professor X helps remove a good chunk of threat and sometimes you'll have to settle for using 1 THW on allies over their 2-3 ATK instead when necessary. Run and Gun can be used to clear threat also but it's not a good rate so you won't play it most of the time.


  • Mulligan: look for Multi-Gun, Venom's Pistol, Knowhere, and Spider-Sense. Armed and Dangerous will most likely find one of the first 3 unless you got Energy Spear but even getting that isn't bad since you'll just use it as a resource.
  • Early Game: setup your guns and start developing allies. Gamora is the most important one to get. Use Symbiotic Bond aggressively.
  • Midgame: it's important to be able to setup turns when you can safely go to Alter-Ego to heal since you'll be taking a lot of damage from Symbiotic Bond and also any carryover damage from villain attacks. You'll always have allies available to block any extra activations or if things get dicey but beware if the encounter has access to Overkill. First Aid can be used on Venom but is ideally used on allies most of the time.
  • Endgame: the endgame is pretty much whenever you're drawing multiple cards every turn and dealing with every encounter card. The deck can deal a burst of 15 damage from allies (Gamora + Energy Spear, Drax, any two 2 ATK allies, and Boot Camp) plus 10 from Savage Attacks plus 6 from basic ATK and Multi-Gun so the deck can close out any villain stage III if you want to avoid them.


  • Be aware of the available events you can get with Gamora. Sometimes there are no more events in the deck but it can still be worth triggering her response to be able to reshuffle the deck. Other times, you want to see if you can trigger a reshuffle before using her activation.
  • It's only worth playing Grasping Tendrils when you can trigger the stun but the deck has limited resources. So sometimes you might have to plan to keep a card with or in hand to pay for it.
  • The deck is not running Bug because you want to be using Venom's activation to defend most of the time.