Operation GLOW-UP

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Certified Glow-Up - Alpha 0 0 0 2.0
Inspiration for
None yet

King_Barra12 · 1

A certified genius, and a master of a glow-up. Yep, that's Ironheart!

NOTE: This is a deck designed first and foremost for 4-player multiplayer, which is how my friends and I play the game. After a long time, I wanted to produce an Ironheart deck to take on Expert campaigns in 4-player, which, if anyone's tried them, are often excruciating. However, I put the solo in tag in, because as I was playtesting it (Rhino, Zola, Ultron solo Expert) I found it also had plenty of potential in solo play. Anyway, you've been warned!



You'll want to get to your third suit quickly, obviously, gotta get that glow-up going as soon as you can. Staying in alter-ego for at least two turns is advised, as you build-up (in order of priority) your pivotal supports (Ronnie Williams, Tony Stark A.I., and less importantly Champions Mobile Bunker), three key upgrades (Photon Blasters and Propulsion Jets, and Endurance), and your resource pullers (Clarity of Purpose and Ingenuity).

Once you're at least in your Version 2.0 armour, you can flip to Hero and start doing some damage.

This deck is slightly less traditional in terms of playstyle. Obviously you'll want to pull your lovely progress-counting events, but really you're looking for consistent ways of damage through different combos (which we'll get into.) You're gonna want to build up to the combos, so don't worry too much about sacrificing events as you go through your deck the first time.

Most importantly; your allies aren't actually there to activate. They're going to combo with your combos (super combo), or protect your hide when you've taken too many hits. But, well, once you've got all those pretty upgrades out and your maximum health is at 17, you'll really be putting that armour to good use.



  • Assess the Situation and Meditation are there for two reasons: one, they're so they can be used for Riri's ability, and two (more importantly), they're excellent ways at getting your 3-cost supports out. Meditation + Helicarrier makes your life easier.


  • GO EVEN MORE ALL OUT | Go All Out is the endgame, the one you pull out when you're fully glown up and ready to deal some damage. First, you get your nice hit of 8 damage. But it also combos: with Clarity + Ingenuity + Helicarrier you can whip out a free New and Improved, readying yourself and, more importantly, getting a Photon Beam.
  • If you have an ally out, say, maybe, Brawn with his 3ATK, then you can use a Teamwork to exhaust Brawn, add 3 more damage to your basic attack, and get yourself a tidy to use for your Photon Beam! That's an extra 4 damage, with potential for another 2 or 4 depending on your progress tokens.


  • The Hawkeyes | Both Clint and Kate are in here for good reason. While you're in alter-ego, or only in v.2.0, you're still gonna want to mitigate minions or help with some damage. Clint is there to keep your field clear, Kate’s there to add some spicy damage in the endgame.
  • Moon Girl + White Tiger | Your card-pullers: the amount of in this deck is insane
  • Brawn | The best ally to have out: his resource pull is insane, and as covered, he synergises with Teamwork perfectly.




(remember, this deck is designed for 4-player)

This was a 40-card deck at its foundations, with the usual Helicarrier and Endurance added for 4-player purposes.

  • Push Ahead | You can add more or less of these depending on your team: if you've got a good thwarter, it's not particularly necessary, given Ironheart's v.3.0 armour is base 3, + another 3 from Jets. But it can never hurt.
  • R&D Facility | This was a toss-up, and it all depends on how often you want to use Go All out. If you plan on centring your game around it, then it's a must, otherwise it can go unused.
  • Kaluu | As above, Kaluu's good for pulling out your Go All Out.
  • Regroup | If you want another way of keeping your allies out, this is handy.
  • Down Time | Another multiplayer card that tends to go in my deck, but Ronnie Williams' heal makes it easier to recover within a turn of two.



May 09, 2023 eliala · 151

Hawkeye (Kate Bishop) does not work how you may think. If she discards Nick Fury, she deals 1, not 4. If she discards Energy Absorption, she deals 3.

May 13, 2023 King_Barra12 · 1

@eliala You’re absolutely right, and I’ve used her before without getting it wrong. Oops, got ahead of myself! Thanks for pointing it out, fixed now.