

Cost: 3.

Held Aktion: Wähle X verschiedene Optionen (X ist Ironhearts Version-Nummer):

- Durchsuche dein Deck nach einer Ironheart-Karte und nimm sie auf deine Hand. (Mische.)

- Gib Ironheart eine Zäh-Statuskarte.

- Mache Ironheart spielbereit.

Ironheart #7. Ironheart #7-8.
Neu und verbessert

What a brilliant card design.

In the earliest stages it has the same cost value as Invulnerability (3 for a Tough) but you get to make a choice. And in the early stages of the game, getting a tough or searching for a hero-specific card may be a clutch move, since Ironheart has so much ramping.

But by the late game this card transforms into a brokenly undercosted event, allowing you to grab a Fly Over or Photon Beam as needed, while readying for another attack/thwart and slapping a tough? Not to mention that this card helps you deal with those awful villain cards that remove upgrades. Ironheart has insurance that can always get her hero upgrades back.

MacGhille · 268