E Kitty Prende?

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

dexter103 · 9

E Kitty Prende? --- or "Catch me if you cat"

This deck is all about being Phased when the enemy attacks, so to avoid damage triggering Unflappable and Hard to Ignore.

Defiance, Preemptive Strike, Side Step and Jump Flip make Kitty defend without exhausting.

Powerful Punch is useful when you are forced to finish the player phase Solid, since you can use the from Solid as a resource, attack the enemy, flip to Phased, become a defender and get away with no damage (but forced back to Solid after the defense).

Flow Like Water and Electrostatic Armor to make the most out of each defense and Ready to Rumble to benefit from the frequent form changes.


Apr 26, 2023 adsarf · 440

@dexter103, it looks like we published green Shadowcat decks a few minutes apart, but they are completely different! Yours has lots of ways to defend without exhausting, and mine is all and only about exhausting to defend. I guess that shows there's plenty of scope in this game...


Apr 27, 2023 dexter103 · 9

Thaks @adsarf for pointing me out your deck.

I'm interested in your different take on Shadowcat, I'm going to try It soon.