Reach for the Stars

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

ChocoboBai · 1139

I built this to pair with a Star-Lord deck that requires Honorary X-Men. Therefore, Rogue will have very easy access to the Guardian trait. The most useful cards with that are the Gamora ally that is great for drawing more of Rogue's powerful hero events and "Think Fast!", which is a cheap confuse.

You have a few tools to give Rogue some resources: Deft Focus, Ingenuity (Star-Lord has the Beast ally), and The X-Jet.

Then, 3 copies of Honorary X-Men to make sure you can get it onto Star-Lord reasonably fast. But, there is another use of it, which actually makes Guardians worth it and justifies including 3 copies. Play Honorary X-Men on Gamora, followed by Mission Training. Then, you have Game Time to allow you to use Gamora multiple times in one turn. The Star-Lord player might even give you a use of Command Team if you ask nicely.

Chance Encounter lets you search for the ally you need. Having Gambit to allow you to retrieve your hero events with Superpower Adaptation is very useful, and this gives you a way to find him consistently. A copy of One Way or Another is nice to kick off your setup and is a good target for Superpower Adaptation (I would actually consider adding a 2nd copy of One Way or Another).

Honorary Guardian for Rogue lets you gain the trait permanently, so you can leave touched on the Villain to Confuse/Stun or trigger Bulletproof Belle. Alternatively, once Star-Lord has his boots on, you can gain both Aerial and Stalwart by touching him.

The other good thing about the Star-Lord pairing is that Rogue and Gamora can take advantage of the +2 stats from Blaze of Glory. You do have to be careful not to kill Gamora though. Remember, with the upgrades on her she does have 6 health, so with the heals from X-Mansion she'll be fine.