Ms. Marvel - Party time

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

wehehe · 198

Once I opened the Hulk Hero pack, and saw Martial Prowess, I knew that it was time to a new try to build a Ms. Marvel deck, and it seems that it is working quite well...

With Sneak By, Chase Them Down, "You'll Pay for That!" and your allies, you have enough Twhart to keep threat under control for most of the games.

Hulk Hero pack provides us with some interesting combos. Toe to Toe + "You'll Pay for That!" is great if you can afford an attack from the villain and desperately need to Thwart, also, it can be improved with Shrink, as it is a "Thwart" event, so you'll be removing 2 more threat than damage you take.

Another great play (which was already available) is Chase Them Down + Relentless Assault, having Embiggen! you can easily defeat almost every minion in the game, damaging the villain and removing 2 Threat from a scheme (or 4 if you have Shrink in play)

When Ms. Marvel was released, I was stubborn in abusing some powerful events, such as Tackle, to permanently have villain stunned. But playing this deck, I realised that what it really works, is to recycle the cheapest, and easiest to play events, such as Wiggle Room, or Relentless Assault. At least, this way is how I'm getting more success.

I've played a few games with the deck, both solo and 2-player, and it proved to be quite balanced and powerful, but above all, I enjoyed it a lot. I'm very glad for this, as, until now, Ms. Marvel was the hero I played the least. It looks that this is going to change !