3 Player Heroic Series - Core Campaign - Spider-Man

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

A Platypus Plumber · 86

My group and I recently decided to try completing all the campaigns on heroic. We just finished the core campaign and I thought it would be cool to share the heroes and decks we used to complete each campaign. This is the start of that journey so when we finish each Campaign I will post more decks.

Spider-Man (Leadership) Deck

Doctor Strange (Protection) Deck

Quicksilver (Aggression) Deck

The general game plan was to have the villain stunned and confused every round, blocking an attack and the Scheme activation on Miles. Miles can get massive reward from starting the turn in alter-ego while Doctor Strange and Quicksilver stay in hero to keep threat level down. With Venom Blast, Spider Camouflage and the Invocation Deck you should have no problem getting at least a stun on the villain each round. That being said, the team doesn't have a specific "heavy thwarter" because for most the game the villain won't be scheming, however, all three heroes can do some good burst thwarting if they need to.


As Miles, you're trying to patch the holes of the other two decks. Whether that be a thwarting a side scheme, blocking an attack, placing status cards, or killing a minion. Work with your teammates to find out what your most effective turn will be. Most likely you are going to want to get the massive reward Miles gets from flipping to alter-ego. Not only can you change forms twice in one turn using Double Life, Ganke gives you an extra card, Jefferson Davis can do an extra thwart, and you are able to shuffle Defense Mechanism, Power Within, or any Spider-Man event you might need back into your deck. When Pinpoint is in play use her ability on Rapid Response, Defense Mechanism, Power Within, or Web-Shooter to get them back into your deck. You'll want to be alter-ego while the villain is confused as much as possible but your allies or tough cards can block the villain attacks on you.


This deck isn't perfected yet and is sometimes chaotic. There are some changes I would make but if I play Miles again I may make a new page for the new Campaign.

Generally, you'll want to start on hero (if you can prevent damage) or alter-ego (if the villain is confused) and have used Ghost-Spider to pull Double Life and putting Ghost-Spider back into play with a Rapid Response. This allows you to flip to your other hero form, grab the benefits (Attacking/Thwarting or Alter-Ego Actions), and then flip back. Double Life (alter-ego ability) and Rapid Response (from Pinpoint) both go back into your deck.

Deft Focus. I thought it would be more useful then it was but it can still get you Power Within and Defense Mechanism if you are shuffling them in your deck a lot.

Make the Call. Use it to play Ghost-Spider, Pinpoint or even Scarlet Witch when you need an ally (Or Squirrel Girl because I also added her to the Ultron scenario for Drones.)

The ally upgrades go on Iron Man except one copy of Sky Cycle goes to Pinpoint.

Leadership Skill. This card is a cheap way to make Iron Man do more per round. If you have extra resources this card gives you extra 3 THW/ATK when you need it.

Rapid Response. Use this card to bring back any ally you want and use their ability again. Bringing back Ghost-Spider to grab an event card is usually the most useful. Pinpoint should shuffle this back into your deck as a top priority when need it.

Pinpoint. Using Make the Call you play Pinpoint from Strange's discard pile. Pinpoint allows any player to shuffle a card they would discard back into their deck. Quicksilver can play Honorary Avenger on Pinpoint allowing her get Sky Cycle and activate her ability twice. Doctor Strange can also use Pinpoint for Magical Enhancements or any damage prevention cards.