Clear Eyes, Full Hearts

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Clear Eyes, Full Hearts 0 0 0 1.0
Clear Eyes, Full Hearts, Can’t Lose 1 1 0 2.0

ClassyRobot · 5506

"Alright, team, huddle up! This villain isn't playing around, and neither are we. We stop them here and now! Not another inch! You hear me?! Alright come in close...

First things first, WE are the Uncanny X-Men, that should be the first thing you think about when you look around you. I use to think I didn't need anyone. That I could just go Full Blast and solve every problem, but I've since found my Clarity of Purpose. It's you. All of you. Together. Together, we can overcome any challenge.

Forge, I need you to get Utopia fully operational as soon as possible, we need to be ready at all times. I can't do it all from just the Command Center. Beast? Do what you do best and keep us energized.

This is gonna be a tough one, I won't lie. These guys are Experts, but we are ready. These people, that hate us...that fear us...they need us. They need a Rapid Response. We are gonna change minds and lives today.

Sunfire, Pixie, if things get to hot you need to Regroup. Lives are in your hands. Pixie I want you sticking close to Jean Grey, fly close to her whenever you can, but if not, find a friend and get them to the battle.

Jean? I love you.

Wolverine I need...where the hell is Logan?

Forget it, Polaris, Psylocke, you already know what to do. Blindfold will let us know what to expect next and we will respond in kind.

If I notice a bunch of you still on the sidelines after all this you better believe I will Make the Call. Not that one. You'll hear "To Me, My X-Men!". That's the only call we need.

Everyone got that? Good. Now get out there and show them what we can do! What did they say in that show we watched last night...ha...oh yea. Clear eyes! Full Hearts!

Santo, hold up. I know what they've been saying about you, Rockslide. You aren't worth it. That you don't bring enough to the table, but I see something more. You can take a punch, but I don't want you running defense. We have enough people on that. I want you right there with me. I found my Clarity of Purpose, and we're gonna find yours too. Got it? You can do this. Bring it in.


Now let's show them all what we're made of."


Nov 22, 2022 Alexin · 205

You left the "can´t lose" out of deck´s name, coach

Nov 22, 2022 ClassyRobot · 5506

Although this deck is really good imo, it can always fall victim to a terrible expert Ronan surge loss, so I didn’t want it to be false advertising :P