A healthy Wolvie is a happy Wolvie!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

CombatRaptor · 19

Wolverine's health is purchasing power, so why not capitalize on that?

A brief overview:

The allies included are for turns in which you just don't want to take any hits. Rockslide and the simply amazing Nightcrawler perform this function adequately as well as a fair 2 thwart in case you need it from Nightcrawler.

The events are mostly attacks as that is Wolvie's bread and butter. The clutch is where the other event types come in. What Doesn't Kill Me is fantastic, as it heals Wolvie and readies him! Momentum Shift is a free 2 damage! Take 2 dmg and exhaust Wolverine's Claws to pay for it, then heal that 2 dmg right back and deal two (as piercing)!! This kit has a little threat management built in with True Grit. First Hit is always good on minions, Hard Knocks gives you a tough when defeating an enemy, also good for maintaining that health and help paying for all the carnage Wolvie deals out! Counter punch is there if you get the opportunity in conjunction with Powerful Punch which will count as a defense that you can pay for with Wolverine's Claws! Endurance is there to give you breathing room and is essentially a free 3 cost attack resource as we use health to pay!

I hope you have as much fun as I did, playing this deck!!


Nov 15, 2022 teamcanadahockey2002 · 8350

Sadly Powerful Punch can't be paid for with the Claws (in most instances) as the Claws are an Action which can only be taken in the hero phase, not the villian phase when they attack you.