Spider-Man is a swinging backflip machine

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

TheGingering · 18

The point of this deck is to get all your support/upgrades out as quickly as possibly to basically get a hand-size of 8 and then do Swinging Web Kick all the time

Once you have Armored Vest and Energy Barrier out you should be able to draw an extra card almost every turn with Unflappable

There is a lot of extra draw built in with Ironheart, Nick Fury, and Brother Voodoo, as well as 3xAssess the Situation

When playing solo you will likely end up using the allies to manage a lot of threat. Lockjaw is pretty clutch so try to have him in play when you run out of cards

Other than that once you are setup the goal is to try to find Swinging Web Kick to play every turn

You should never have to flip to alter ago between the crazy defense (4-6) as well as the Backflip and Med Team