Valkyrie - Events/Never Defend

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

SpydrPg · 8

First (technically second) stab at a Valkyrie Protection deck. The purpose of this deck is to be able to stay in Hero form as much as possible while retaining Valkyrie's minion-killing capabilities. With Energy Barrier and Flow Like Water, you're able to remove tough statuses from certain minions/bosses before hitting them with Have at Thee! or your basic attack.


  1. Played with "Adam Warlock - Yondu Voltron" against Standard Zola with the Master of Time modular.


  1. If there's a lot of minions, play Death-Glow on them instead of the villain.
  2. Flow Like Water allows you to get double usage out of your defense events. There's not many of them, but it boosts their value. Jocasta helps ensure you always have one until it's needed.
  3. Use Black Widow almost exclusively to cancel Shadows of the Past to prevent Enchantress and her obligations from appearing. If she's not available, you can use Vivian to "blank" the obligation for a turn.
  4. Typically utilize Helicarrier or Quincarrier to pay for Death-Glow to ensure at least two uses of it per turn (if applicable).

Deck Downsides

  1. Limited threat removal, so likely not good for "True Solo."
  2. Not much readying possibility besides Death Glow combos.

Potential card swaps

  1. For matchups with lots of stuns and confuses, consider swapping out Flow Like Water for Annabelle Riggs for a more consistent status removal.
  2. For more readying, consider removing an ally or two for a couple copies of What Doesn't Kill Me.
  3. Consider swapping in Hard Knocks to increase damage output and grant Valkyrie a Tough status.