Ironheart Venomized Justice Flash

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

malakav · 29

I tested this deck out and considered this to be amazingly strong, tested against Venom Goblin, Klaw, Kang all in expert and did not have a lot of problem beating them The main card is One Way or Another to have a huge hand to get armed and ready fast and with lots of card draw it will be simple to get Ironheart to version 3 fast


May 24, 2022 celric · 441

If you're able to get a lot of tough status cards from New and Improved that's cool, but for the vast majority of scenarios you'll need more damage mitigation for the villain.

I'd recommend -3 Brains over Brawn and adding "Go for Champions!", Spider-Man, and Wasp at the very least.

I'd also pick a lane with Power in All of Us vs Power of Justice.

Option 1 (More cards and villain control): -2 Power of Justice, +1 Nick Fury, +1 Mockingbird

Option 2 (More clearing the side schemes from One Way or Another): -2 Power in All of Us, +1 Spider-Man, +1 Jessica Jones

May 24, 2022 celric · 441

Also because Ingenuity can give you the resources Riri needs for progress counters, it's much better than Mansion or Carrier.

Good luck, have fun!

May 24, 2022 malakav · 29

thank you @celric I will consider those changes