Wasp Justice for Red Skull

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Ddmarquez · 1

After making it to Red Skull using a Leadership deck I found we had no good way to deal with all the sides schemes. I decided to make my deck Justice to deal with the threat during our play.

It worked petty well,

The thought for the deck was getting some pretty heavy thwart actions going while also helping myself out a little with cards like Justice Served, Chance Encounter and Followed.

I would use Crisis Averted and Lay Down the Law to remove a good amount of threat. I included Sense of Justice to ensure I would have a mental resource ready for either of those two cards.

I included Vigilante Training to shuffle either Lay Down the Law or Crisis Averted back into my deck.

For the ally side of things. I knew at one point we could have many side schemes in play, so I figured I would add Jessica Jones. I also felt that I could use Wiccan to thwart and remove some cards from the encounter deck. I added Spider-Man as a last ditch effort to make a good play.

Helicarrier was added just in case I would need a way to reduce costs, but I might actually take it out.

How did the cards work out?

Jessica Jones was never used. I drew her on my first hand after doing a mulligan.

Wiccan was used twice.

Spider-Man, I think, was the star of the my allies. I ended up drawing him and using him at the most opportune of times. I was down to two health so I had to flip to alter-ego. I couldn't flip back to hero until I had more health, so I spent one whole rode in alter-ego. Thankfully I had Spider-Man. While the cost is high, he does remove 6 threat with two players just by playing him, then I was able to remove 2 more threat. I effectively removed two side schemes while still being in alter-ego form. So turn not totally wasted.

Justice Served was never used.

Vigilante Training came out on turn one and was used effectively.

Sense of Justice was out on turn one and used every time I played an event.

Chance Encounterwas useful once.

Followedwas used once and it payed off well by getting rid of a nasty minion. Lay Down the Law was used multiple times.

Crisis Averted was used multiple times.

Overall I think this deck is not bad if you want to deal with a lot of side schemes.

It can use a few tweaks I think.