Scarlet Witch | Hexy Protexy (video)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

JWalton77 · 1308

This deck was featured on my YouTube channel Get Up and Game!

When you come right down to it, the main reason we all play Scarlet Witch is for the Hex Bolt's, right? What could be more fun than flinging a bolt of pure chaos at your opponent and then waiting to find out what happens next? Well that's what this deck wants to do. Over and over and over.

So in order to sit back and fire Hex Bolt's all day long we're going to need a wall. A giant magical wall of impenetrable defense. And that's where Magic Shield, Defensive Stance, Energy Barrier, and Shield Spell come into play. This deck has innumerable ways to prevent incoming damage.

I prefer the damage upgrade route with Protection Wanda over using events like Side Step and Desperate Defense because she draws so many extra cards during her turn that most of those would just get cycled through. Better to have her defenses in place on the table.

And if all those defense upgrades weren't enough to keep Wanda safe while charging up Hex Bolt after Hex Bolt, she also has some friends to keep her in tip top shape as well. Victor Mancha is excellent for holding pesky minions at bay that you just don't want to waste damage on. Clea is a fellow Mystic who can jump in and out of play on the regular to take a hit. And Brother Voodoo and Nick Fury serve double duty as card draw and chump blocks.

The rest of the deck is resources to try and help the Witch keep up with all the card draw. Deft Focus only pays for Hex Bolt but you're going to be playing so many of them it's totally worth the inclusion. Similarly Team-Building Exercise doesn't have a ton of targets, but it does help get the Quincarrier and Avengers Mansion down, as well as fellow Mystic Brother Voodoo and a constantly teleporting Clea.

All it takes is a few turns to get your defenses into place, and then ruin the villain's day with Chaos Magic fury!