Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

pastorkris · 7

This is sick "Nick Fury all the time on the table" deck. Cpt. Marvel is perfect for this role because of her insane card draw (on both sides) and great economy to back it up (Energy Absorption+ Alpha Flight Station).

How to play: Try first to build your economy. Quincarrier gets you draw one card (+ it heals 1 dmg) each turn (on hero side), the same as Avengers Mansion. Use Alpha Flight Station everytime possible - alter ego side recomended.

When you will be able to play Nick Fury almost ALWAYS draw extra cards. You will thank me later. After that use him, then defend an attack. On multiplayer resurrect him with a Rapid Response and draw another 3 cards for the next round (and defend with him again). Sometimes it is worth to resurrect him even on solo games. Those 3 cards are sick. When in discard you can play him by Make the Call. By that simple combo you can have him almost always on the table to help you.

Use Iron Man with free Inspired buff, and heal him each time he gets 2 dmg. Hawkeye is great when there are multiple enemies coming. Just shoot those 4 arrows, then "kill" him (i.e. by defending) to play him again with Rapid Response.

That is pretty much it. I included only cards from Black Widow and dr Strange expansions because those are the only 2 I have. But I don't think you need any more :)

PS: Great thanks to my GF Karolina who loves to play with me with this deck <3