Ms. Marvel's Angry Alliance

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Scotobot · 168

Use Ms Marvel's ability to keep As One! in hand. Get out Hulk (or Wasp) and Marvel Boy (or Angela). You can use As One! every turn. Starts as 5 damage for two cost (and exhausting both allies). But builds up. Embiggen! can increase by 2 (thematically not sure how it works but mechanically it is good). Boot Camp can increase it by 2. That's now 9 damage every turn. If you can get Enraged on both of them, 13 damage a turn. Energy Spear on the Guardian, 15 damage. Sidearm on each one, 17 damage. Every turn. In reality you probably won't need to get up to this high but it gives options on how to boost the attack as you do it.

Martial Prowess and Biokinetic Polymer Suit can cover the cost, leaving you with the rest of your hand for upgrading or dealing with other issues. As One! is an alliance card, so in multiplayer, another player can help with the cost as well, don't be afraid to communicate!

Since As One! does overkill, it is great for dealing with minions. Moment of Triumph to heal up as we don't want these allies taking damage. Third ally can be used as a blocker.

Enhanced Reflexes are in here to help get Wasp on the table. Also can pay for as one and let you keep momentum going on other cards.

In addition, Kamala's cards help get this set up as you can stash cards you want later on the bottom of the deck or with Bruno. Be careful with the alter ego power, cause you might throw out some important cards! Luckily Aamir Khan can bring them back into rotation.

Kamala's hero events are also useful. Early on they can be used to handle the situation while you get set up. Big Hands oddly works well for clearing stun or tough before a big hit. Wiggle Room of course keeps you healthy so you don't have to sacrifice allies to damage.

Play strategy: Early on, your priorities are Guardian ally with attack 2 and an Avenger ally with attack 3. Pretty much all of Ms Marvel's upgrades and supports are helpful, so they can go out a well. Easy mulligan options would be ally upgrades and As One! If you pull it early. Shrink is probably the least important card, but still useful if you need to do thwarting. I would suggest using Kamala's Teen Spirit ability first turn, and pretty much every turn you can. There are multiple options for most cards and Aamir can bring back discarded cards.

Once you get allies out, add upgrades as you can and focus on playing and keeping As One! and survival. Things that will keep you taking hits instead of allies and economy cards to smooth out your turns. Later in the game, the hero cards become less important, and might not even be worth it if you are sticking in hero form or pumping out 10+ damage a turn. Bruno Carrelli can be nice early to stash cards you want later but can't afford (like boot camp) or upgrades like Energy Spear when you don't have an ally for them. Later on he can be used to stash cards you don't need to thin your deck.

Standard warning - this deck is focused on damage. Ms Marvel likes to swap back and forth to alter-ego. You should watch the threat level. Alter-ego is mote useful when getting set up, and your find it better just to stick in hero mode in the late game.