Spectrum - Tough enough

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

neothechosen · 10709

As strange as it may seem, I haven't been able to play Spectrum a lot. After the delays this summer, I got MTS, War Machine, Hood and Valkyrie in a relatively short time and I left Spectrum aside, because she first struck me as not-so-interesting or powerful. This deck has, so far, proven me very wrong!

The basic idea is simple enough: get tough status cards from Perseverance / Hard Knocks, keep control on the main scheme and ready from Ever Vigilant (yeah I know, this card is becoming a new obsession of mine...)

This isn't the first deck to do so. A few decks you may consider if you dislike the "grey" list here:




However, as I tried protection-heavy decks, it felt to me like they were missing something, even tough we had basically the same goal or same key protection cards. So I turned to a classic: The Power in All of Us deck with only a splash of the useful protection cards. So far it feels very solid. I suggest you give it a try if, like me, you like "basic" decks.

Starting the game

I play mostly true solo expert, and that means side schemes. Fortunately, Spectrum can thwart for 3 in Photon form. Start with that and get ride of side schemes, or use allies and go straight for gamma and hit the bad guys!

You've got 5 cards counting as double resources for basic cards, makes it easy to play Avengers Mansion, Quincarrier, Nick Fury, War Machine and such. I found that Spectrum runs very smoothly with a 6th card form Avengers Mansion, and becomes a real powerhouse with Energy Duplications and Deft Focus in play. Put as many of those cards in front of you as possible!

Key cards and moves

Spectrum's calling card is all about changing form, which means Perseverance is pretty easy to pull off , do so whenever you can! Also, you'll find that using your allies to chomp-block on top of it and Hard Knocks can litterally let you spend the whole game in hero form (I did for a few villains).

That's not all of it: Ready to Rumble can also help you double-time, getting an extra attack / thwart when you change.

Because Spectrum is AERIAL all the time, Ever Vigilant is always an option. What's real nice here is that is can either allow you to attack for 3 OR thwart for 3 twice in the same round (like when Klaw has 2 starting side schemes). I usually like to use it to keep control over the main scheme and keep attacking. Gamma Blast the villain on top of that and you've got a pretty decent damage output.

I usually don't block a lot, got my allies for that when I'm not tough.

All there is to it! Not really a new thing, I just think it fits so well with The Power in All of Us and all the basic goodies I had to share!

Have fun!


Dec 22, 2021 teamcanadahockey2002 · 8445

Have I been playing Spectrum wrong this entire time??? I was under the impression her 3 permanents didnt count towards the 40 card minimum.

I learn something new every day :)

Dec 22, 2021 neothechosen · 10709

Well I built a 40 cards deck, I don't count the 3 energy forms, and the website doesn't either. So I think we all agree.

I you check properly, you'll see that there are 43 cards if you include energy forms.

Dec 22, 2021 jearnettiii · 1

Protection Spectrum is the GOAT. I run a deck very similar to this except with Leading Blow in there. In two out of the three campaigns, there are ways to permanently increase your ATK, meaning she’ll pretty much never whiff a punch.

Dec 22, 2021 teamcanadahockey2002 · 8445

On second look, I think I see the issue. The website here does not count the 3 permanent upgrades in the count, so when all the cards are added up, the count is actually 43 but its listed as 40.

Most of my deckbuilding is done on the app on my phone, and the listed card count there does include the permanents, so all my Spectrum decks there state 43 cards. Still learning I guess ;)

Also, nice deck! I haven't tried Spectrum nearly enough myself yet. Gotta give this one a run later.