A Mystic and his Friend

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Alduc · 991

Sometimes switching around only a few cards can give a deck a very different identity. This deck isn't far removed from the Adam Warlock precon, but now aims to voltron out an ally.

During the first pass through, the objective is to get Adam Warlock's kit in play: Karmic Staff, Warlock's Cape, both Mystic Senses and Soul World. If no allies stick to the board during the early game, no problem. I am prudent in playing copies of Karmic Blast and Cosmic Awareness during the first few turns as to not lose some key components.

During the second pass, it's time to start building an ally and make sure he doesn't leave play until the villain is defeated. Quasar and Martinex are the best choices for this, but Charlie-27 can work in a pinch. Attach Comms Implant, Energy Spear and Inspired and start pummeling the villain. Healing an ally is a powerful ability in this game, so the priority is to use Battle Mage on a protection card.

Compared to the precon I increased the number of Basic cards. Drawing an extra card with The Sorcerer Supreme and filtering the deck with Spiritual Meditation make it very worthwhile.