Turbo Tony! War Machine - Leadership!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

NormalModeGuy · 967

Turbo Tony!

"Hey, Rhodey! What did you do to my suit!?" - Tony Stark

Well, what did we do to his suit?! We made it AWESOME!

Now that's out of the way, welcome to the hottest way to cheese upgrades onto an Ironman-Voltron since... Assess the Situation!

The first thing you're going to notice is that War Machine has a hand size of 6 and 5 respectively. Now that's some real draw power compared to Ironman and his tiny hand size in Hero mode!

Enough about draw power! Where's the fire power!?

We're getting there! The next step is to Turbo Tony. This means that we're going to find the absolute fastest way to get Tony Stark into our hands and out into play so that we can capitalise on his amazing ability to fetch an upgrade Iron Man. This ability would make Tony Stark players drool with how good it is at fetching upgrades so that you can play as soon as possible with full power! Set the pace of your games your way with Turbo Tony!

You didn't explain anything, all you did was say the title.

I'm almost at the point! So, to Turbo Tony, all we need is Call for Aid. A card which ironically features Tony himself. This allows us to discard from the top of our deck until we discard an Avenger ally.

Avenger allies, Leadership? What's new??

We accomplish this by not running any other Avenger allies than Tony himself. This allows us to always hit Tony as long as he's in the deck! And Tony, well he can search from deck and discard pile for a tech upgrade! That's anything from your classic War Machine upgrades to a Plasma Pistol or Reinforced Suit for Tony himself to wear so that he can stick around!
While we're at it, let's get him back with Make the Call if he isn't in deck anymore! or if he's just chilling whilst in-play. Lets Rapid Response so that he can come back and search > "another one" over again!

Two Against the World

Two Against the World This is going to be one of the few instances where it is 100% worth playing this type of character-dependant card due to how much we search Tony. It is invaluable when you're pretty much guaranteed Tony due to how this deck functions.