Tree Hugging Genius, Billionaire, Playboy, Philanthropist

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

elderpapagaio · 2

"Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist... But most of all Sustainable ◕ ◡ ◕ "

First deck created officially here folks, so please comment ideas. This Iron Man Tech build does not draw like the galactic gunslinger Star-Lord, or web defense like Spider-Man. What this does however do is... Groot.

Seriously, mulligan hard for either Iron Man OR Call for Aid (He is the only avenger in this grouping so Call for aid is x3 ONLY for this!) If you have a second target it is Honorary Guardian and Guardians of the Galaxy. If you can get Iron Man out, with Guardians of the Galaxy on the table with him as an Honorary Guardian you have made this build tree hugging sappy - Groot will stick to you better than the over priced maple syrup Tony pays triple the price for!

After that, take the shots and defend when possible with Groot to chump block - and the use 0 cost card such as Fruition to build up a stronger defense. Drax, Major Victory, Martinex are here to chump block- MV is meant to die for you to ready Iron Man, that's it.... If only on a 2.0 version I could justify a Regroup card or two THEN HE COULD READY IRON MAN MORE!

oh...Did I forget upgrades? 1-cost. Iron Man can afford them at the low low cost of 0, so pack them on!

I tried to throw a curve ball in here by introducing Target Practice support. As they stand, +2 attack for Iron-Man would be amazing as it would allow for a +2,+4 or if you have 3 out at one time +6 to a single attack. Imagine that final shot from Tony taking down the Villain!

I'll update this section below with items as I receive them, but please enjoy and always remember... that way you never forget!


Nov 14, 2021 Graceclaw · 27

Pretty solid overall, seems like it would be fun to pilot. A couple of comments/ideas:

  1. You will find that Groot isn't quite as amazing a defender as you'd like. I'd recommend swapping 1x call for aid for a cheap ally like Maria Hill or Ironheart - or both. You'll also find yourself wanting to include a couple Make The Call so you can keep the chumps flowing.
  2. You're voltron'ing Iron Man, so additional heals would be important - Leadership has some great ones for Avengers. Maybe keep 1 or both First Aid, but sub out a few Target Practice for healing. Like I said, overall it looks great and I'm tempted to give it a try! Drawing that many cards with Groot sounds great.

Nov 14, 2021 elderpapagaio · 2

@Graceclaw Nice I made some changes to the deck and am gonna run some today to see how groovy things can get haha

Nov 22, 2021 EXE · 1

@elderpapagaio I'd love to hear about the changes you made and how they worked out. Did you put an Ironheart in there?